import { type NavigationContainerRef, type ParamListBase, type StaticNavigation } from '@react-navigation/core'; import * as React from 'react'; import { NavigationContainer } from './NavigationContainer'; import type { LinkingOptions } from './types'; type Props = Omit, 'linking' | 'children'> & { /** * Options for deep linking. */ linking?: Omit, 'config' | 'enabled'> & { /** * Whether deep link handling should be enabled. * Defaults to `true` if any `linking` options are specified, `false` otherwise. * * When 'auto' is specified, all leaf screens will get a autogenerated path. * The generated path will be a kebab-case version of the screen name. * This can be overridden for specific screens by specifying `linking` for the screen. */ enabled?: 'auto' | true | false; /** * Additional configuration */ config?: Omit['config']>, 'screens'>; }; }; /** * Create a navigation component from a static navigation config. * The returned component is a wrapper around `NavigationContainer`. * * @param tree Static navigation config. * @returns Navigation component to use in your app. */ export declare function createStaticNavigation(tree: StaticNavigation): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>>; export {}; //#