import Color from 'color'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, InteractionManager, Platform, StyleProp, StyleSheet, View, ViewProps, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import type { EdgeInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { forModalPresentationIOS } from '../../TransitionConfigs/CardStyleInterpolators'; import type { GestureDirection, Layout, StackCardInterpolationProps, StackCardStyleInterpolator, TransitionSpec, } from '../../types'; import CardAnimationContext from '../../utils/CardAnimationContext'; import getDistanceForDirection from '../../utils/getDistanceForDirection'; import getInvertedMultiplier from '../../utils/getInvertedMultiplier'; import memoize from '../../utils/memoize'; import { GestureState, PanGestureHandler, PanGestureHandlerGestureEvent, } from '../GestureHandler'; import ModalStatusBarManager from '../ModalStatusBarManager'; import CardSheet, { CardSheetRef } from './CardSheet'; type Props = ViewProps & { interpolationIndex: number; closing: boolean; next?: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation; current: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation; gesture: Animated.Value; layout: Layout; insets: EdgeInsets; headerDarkContent: boolean | undefined; pageOverflowEnabled: boolean; gestureDirection: GestureDirection; onOpen: () => void; onClose: () => void; onTransition: (props: { closing: boolean; gesture: boolean }) => void; onGestureBegin: () => void; onGestureCanceled: () => void; onGestureEnd: () => void; children: React.ReactNode; overlay: (props: { style: Animated.WithAnimatedValue>; }) => React.ReactNode; overlayEnabled: boolean; shadowEnabled: boolean; gestureEnabled: boolean; gestureResponseDistance?: number; gestureVelocityImpact: number; transitionSpec: { open: TransitionSpec; close: TransitionSpec; }; styleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator; containerStyle?: StyleProp; contentStyle?: StyleProp; }; const GESTURE_VELOCITY_IMPACT = 0.3; const TRUE = 1; const FALSE = 0; /** * The distance of touch start from the edge of the screen where the gesture will be recognized */ const GESTURE_RESPONSE_DISTANCE_HORIZONTAL = 50; const GESTURE_RESPONSE_DISTANCE_VERTICAL = 135; const useNativeDriver = Platform.OS !== 'web'; const hasOpacityStyle = (style: any) => { if (style) { const flattenedStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(style); return flattenedStyle.opacity != null; } return false; }; export default class Card extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { shadowEnabled: false, gestureEnabled: true, gestureVelocityImpact: GESTURE_VELOCITY_IMPACT, overlay: ({ style, }: { style: Animated.WithAnimatedValue>; }) => style ? ( ) : null, }; componentDidMount() { this.animate({ closing: this.props.closing }); this.isCurrentlyMounted = true; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { layout, gestureDirection, closing } = this.props; const { width, height } = layout; if (width !== prevProps.layout.width) { this.layout.width.setValue(width); } if (height !== prevProps.layout.height) { this.layout.height.setValue(height); } if (gestureDirection !== prevProps.gestureDirection) { this.inverted.setValue(getInvertedMultiplier(gestureDirection)); } const toValue = this.getAnimateToValue(this.props); if ( this.getAnimateToValue(prevProps) !== toValue || this.lastToValue !== toValue ) { // We need to trigger the animation when route was closed // Thr route might have been closed by a `POP` action or by a gesture // When route was closed due to a gesture, the animation would've happened already // It's still important to trigger the animation so that `onClose` is called // If `onClose` is not called, cleanup step won't be performed for gestures this.animate({ closing }); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.gesture.stopAnimation(); this.isCurrentlyMounted = false; this.handleEndInteraction(); } private isCurrentlyMounted = false; private isClosing = new Animated.Value(FALSE); private inverted = new Animated.Value( getInvertedMultiplier(this.props.gestureDirection) ); private layout = { width: new Animated.Value(this.props.layout.width), height: new Animated.Value(this.props.layout.height), }; private isSwiping = new Animated.Value(FALSE); private interactionHandle: number | undefined; private pendingGestureCallback: number | undefined; private lastToValue: number | undefined; private animate = ({ closing, velocity, }: { closing: boolean; velocity?: number; }) => { const { gesture, transitionSpec, onOpen, onClose, onTransition } = this.props; const toValue = this.getAnimateToValue({ ...this.props, closing, }); this.lastToValue = toValue; this.isClosing.setValue(closing ? TRUE : FALSE); const spec = closing ? transitionSpec.close :; const animation = spec.animation === 'spring' ? Animated.spring : Animated.timing; this.setPointerEventsEnabled(!closing); this.handleStartInteraction(); clearTimeout(this.pendingGestureCallback); onTransition?.({ closing, gesture: velocity !== undefined }); animation(gesture, { ...spec.config, velocity, toValue, useNativeDriver, isInteraction: false, }).start(({ finished }) => { this.handleEndInteraction(); clearTimeout(this.pendingGestureCallback); if (finished) { if (closing) { onClose(); } else { onOpen(); } if (this.isCurrentlyMounted) { // Make sure to re-open screen if it wasn't removed this.forceUpdate(); } } }); }; private getAnimateToValue = ({ closing, layout, gestureDirection, }: { closing?: boolean; layout: Layout; gestureDirection: GestureDirection; }) => { if (!closing) { return 0; } return getDistanceForDirection(layout, gestureDirection); }; private setPointerEventsEnabled = (enabled: boolean) => { const pointerEvents = enabled ? 'box-none' : 'none'; this.ref.current?.setPointerEvents(pointerEvents); }; private handleStartInteraction = () => { if (this.interactionHandle === undefined) { this.interactionHandle = InteractionManager.createInteractionHandle(); } }; private handleEndInteraction = () => { if (this.interactionHandle !== undefined) { InteractionManager.clearInteractionHandle(this.interactionHandle); this.interactionHandle = undefined; } }; private handleGestureStateChange = ({ nativeEvent, }: PanGestureHandlerGestureEvent) => { const { layout, onClose, onGestureBegin, onGestureCanceled, onGestureEnd, gestureDirection, gestureVelocityImpact, } = this.props; switch (nativeEvent.state) { case GestureState.ACTIVE: this.isSwiping.setValue(TRUE); this.handleStartInteraction(); onGestureBegin?.(); break; case GestureState.CANCELLED: { this.isSwiping.setValue(FALSE); this.handleEndInteraction(); const velocity = gestureDirection === 'vertical' || gestureDirection === 'vertical-inverted' ? nativeEvent.velocityY : nativeEvent.velocityX; this.animate({ closing: this.props.closing, velocity }); onGestureCanceled?.(); break; } case GestureState.END: { this.isSwiping.setValue(FALSE); let distance; let translation; let velocity; if ( gestureDirection === 'vertical' || gestureDirection === 'vertical-inverted' ) { distance = layout.height; translation = nativeEvent.translationY; velocity = nativeEvent.velocityY; } else { distance = layout.width; translation = nativeEvent.translationX; velocity = nativeEvent.velocityX; } const closing = (translation + velocity * gestureVelocityImpact) * getInvertedMultiplier(gestureDirection) > distance / 2 ? velocity !== 0 || translation !== 0 : this.props.closing; this.animate({ closing, velocity }); if (closing) { // We call onClose with a delay to make sure that the animation has already started // This will make sure that the state update caused by this doesn't affect start of animation this.pendingGestureCallback = setTimeout(() => { onClose(); // Trigger an update after we dispatch the action to remove the screen // This will make sure that we check if the screen didn't get removed so we can cancel the animation this.forceUpdate(); }, 32) as any as number; } onGestureEnd?.(); break; } } }; // Memoize this to avoid extra work on re-render private getInterpolatedStyle = memoize( ( styleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator, animation: StackCardInterpolationProps ) => styleInterpolator(animation) ); // Keep track of the animation context when deps changes. private getCardAnimation = memoize( ( interpolationIndex: number, current: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation, next: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation | undefined, layout: Layout, insetTop: number, insetRight: number, insetBottom: number, insetLeft: number ) => ({ index: interpolationIndex, current: { progress: current }, next: next && { progress: next }, closing: this.isClosing, swiping: this.isSwiping, inverted: this.inverted, layouts: { screen: layout, }, insets: { top: insetTop, right: insetRight, bottom: insetBottom, left: insetLeft, }, }) ); private gestureActivationCriteria() { const { layout, gestureDirection, gestureResponseDistance } = this.props; const enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture = true; const distance = gestureResponseDistance !== undefined ? gestureResponseDistance : gestureDirection === 'vertical' || gestureDirection === 'vertical-inverted' ? GESTURE_RESPONSE_DISTANCE_VERTICAL : GESTURE_RESPONSE_DISTANCE_HORIZONTAL; if (gestureDirection === 'vertical') { return { maxDeltaX: 15, minOffsetY: 5, hitSlop: { bottom: -layout.height + distance }, enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture, }; } else if (gestureDirection === 'vertical-inverted') { return { maxDeltaX: 15, minOffsetY: -5, hitSlop: { top: -layout.height + distance }, enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture, }; } else { const hitSlop = -layout.width + distance; const invertedMultiplier = getInvertedMultiplier(gestureDirection); if (invertedMultiplier === 1) { return { minOffsetX: 5, maxDeltaY: 20, hitSlop: { right: hitSlop }, enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture, }; } else { return { minOffsetX: -5, maxDeltaY: 20, hitSlop: { left: hitSlop }, enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture, }; } } } private ref = React.createRef(); render() { const { styleInterpolator, interpolationIndex, current, gesture, next, layout, insets, overlay, overlayEnabled, shadowEnabled, gestureEnabled, gestureDirection, pageOverflowEnabled, headerDarkContent, children, containerStyle: customContainerStyle, contentStyle, } = this.props; const interpolationProps = this.getCardAnimation( interpolationIndex, current, next, layout,, insets.right, insets.bottom, insets.left ); const interpolatedStyle = this.getInterpolatedStyle( styleInterpolator, interpolationProps ); const { containerStyle, cardStyle, overlayStyle, shadowStyle } = interpolatedStyle; const handleGestureEvent = gestureEnabled ? Animated.event( [ { nativeEvent: gestureDirection === 'vertical' || gestureDirection === 'vertical-inverted' ? { translationY: gesture } : { translationX: gesture }, }, ], { useNativeDriver } ) : undefined; const { backgroundColor } = StyleSheet.flatten(contentStyle || {}); const isTransparent = typeof backgroundColor === 'string' ? Color(backgroundColor).alpha() === 0 : false; return ( { // StatusBar messes with translucent status bar on Android // So we should only enable it on iOS Platform.OS === 'ios' && overlayEnabled && next && getIsModalPresentation(styleInterpolator) ? ( ) : null } {overlayEnabled ? ( {overlay({ style: overlayStyle })} ) : null} {shadowEnabled && shadowStyle && !isTransparent ? ( ) : null} {children} ); } } export const getIsModalPresentation = ( cardStyleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator ) => { return ( cardStyleInterpolator === forModalPresentationIOS || // Handle custom modal presentation interpolators as well === 'forModalPresentationIOS' ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, overlay: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#000', }, shadow: { position: 'absolute', shadowRadius: 5, shadowColor: '#000', shadowOpacity: 0.3, }, shadowHorizontal: { top: 0, bottom: 0, width: 3, shadowOffset: { width: -1, height: 1 }, }, shadowLeft: { left: 0, }, shadowRight: { right: 0, }, shadowVertical: { left: 0, right: 0, height: 3, shadowOffset: { width: 1, height: -1 }, }, shadowTop: { top: 0, }, shadowBottom: { bottom: 0, }, });