/* * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {Key} from '@react-types/shared'; import {RefObject} from 'react'; export interface DragDropEvent { /** The x coordinate of the event, relative to the target element. */ x: number, /** The y coordinate of the event, relative to the target element. */ y: number } export type DropOperation = 'copy' | 'link' | 'move' | 'cancel'; export interface DragItem { [type: string]: string } export interface DragStartEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dragstart' } export interface DragMoveEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dragmove' } export interface DragEndEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dragend', /** The drop operation that occurred. */ dropOperation: DropOperation } export interface DropEnterEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dropenter' } export interface DropMoveEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dropmove' } export interface DropActivateEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dropactivate' } export interface DropExitEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'dropexit' } export interface TextDropItem { /** The item kind. */ kind: 'text', /** * The drag types available for this item. * These are often mime types, but may be custom app-specific types. */ types: Set, /** Returns the data for the given type as a string. */ getText(type: string): Promise } export interface FileDropItem { /** The item kind. */ kind: 'file', /** The file type (usually a mime type). */ type: string, /** The file name. */ name: string, /** Returns the contents of the file as a blob. */ getFile(): Promise, /** Returns the contents of the file as a string. */ getText(): Promise } export interface DirectoryDropItem { /** The item kind. */ kind: 'directory', /** The directory name. */ name: string, /** Returns the entries contained within the directory. */ getEntries(): AsyncIterable } export type DropItem = TextDropItem | FileDropItem | DirectoryDropItem; export interface DropEvent extends DragDropEvent { /** The event type. */ type: 'drop', /** The drop operation that should occur. */ dropOperation: DropOperation, /** The dropped items. */ items: DropItem[] } export type DropPosition = 'on' | 'before' | 'after'; export interface RootDropTarget { /** The event type. */ type: 'root' } export interface ItemDropTarget { /** The drop target type. */ type: 'item', /** The item key. */ key: Key, /** The drop position relative to the item. */ dropPosition: DropPosition } export type DropTarget = RootDropTarget | ItemDropTarget; export interface DroppableCollectionEnterEvent extends DropEnterEvent { /** The drop target. */ target: DropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionMoveEvent extends DropMoveEvent { /** The drop target. */ target: DropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionActivateEvent extends DropActivateEvent { /** The drop target. */ target: DropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionExitEvent extends DropExitEvent { /** The drop target. */ target: DropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionDropEvent extends DropEvent { /** The drop target. */ target: DropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionInsertDropEvent { /** The dropped items. */ items: DropItem[], /** The drop operation that should occur. */ dropOperation: DropOperation, /** The drop target. */ target: ItemDropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionRootDropEvent { /** The dropped items. */ items: DropItem[], /** The drop operation that should occur. */ dropOperation: DropOperation } export interface DroppableCollectionOnItemDropEvent { /** The dropped items. */ items: DropItem[], /** The drop operation that should occur. */ dropOperation: DropOperation, /** Whether the drag originated within the same collection as the drop. */ isInternal: boolean, /** The drop target. */ target: ItemDropTarget } export interface DroppableCollectionReorderEvent { /** The keys of the items that were reordered. */ keys: Set, /** The drop operation that should occur. */ dropOperation: DropOperation, /** The drop target. */ target: ItemDropTarget } export interface DragTypes { /** Returns whether the drag contains data of the given type. */ has(type: string | symbol): boolean } export interface DropTargetDelegate { /** * Returns a drop target within a collection for the given x and y coordinates. * The point is provided relative to the top left corner of the collection container. * A drop target can be checked to see if it is valid using the provided `isValidDropTarget` function. */ getDropTargetFromPoint(x: number, y: number, isValidDropTarget: (target: DropTarget) => boolean): DropTarget | null } export interface DroppableCollectionUtilityOptions { /** * The drag types that the droppable collection accepts. If the collection accepts directories, include `DIRECTORY_DRAG_TYPE` in your array of allowed types. * @default 'all' */ acceptedDragTypes?: 'all' | Array, /** * Handler that is called when external items are dropped "between" items. */ onInsert?: (e: DroppableCollectionInsertDropEvent) => void, /** * Handler that is called when external items are dropped on the droppable collection's root. */ onRootDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionRootDropEvent) => void, /** * Handler that is called when items are dropped "on" an item. */ onItemDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionOnItemDropEvent) => void, /** * Handler that is called when items are reordered via drag in the source collection. */ onReorder?: (e: DroppableCollectionReorderEvent) => void, /** * A function returning whether a given target in the droppable collection is a valid "on" drop target for the current drag types. */ shouldAcceptItemDrop?: (target: ItemDropTarget, types: DragTypes) => boolean } export interface DroppableCollectionBaseProps { /** Handler that is called when a valid drag enters a drop target. */ onDropEnter?: (e: DroppableCollectionEnterEvent) => void, /** * Handler that is called after a valid drag is held over a drop target for a period of time. * @private */ onDropActivate?: (e: DroppableCollectionActivateEvent) => void, /** Handler that is called when a valid drag exits a drop target. */ onDropExit?: (e: DroppableCollectionExitEvent) => void, /** * Handler that is called when a valid drag is dropped on a drop target. When defined, this overrides other * drop handlers such as `onInsert`, and `onItemDrop`. */ onDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionDropEvent) => void, /** * A function returning the drop operation to be performed when items matching the given types are dropped * on the drop target. */ getDropOperation?: (target: DropTarget, types: DragTypes, allowedOperations: DropOperation[]) => DropOperation } export interface DroppableCollectionProps extends DroppableCollectionUtilityOptions, DroppableCollectionBaseProps {} export interface DraggableCollectionStartEvent extends DragStartEvent { /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */ keys: Set } export interface DraggableCollectionMoveEvent extends DragMoveEvent { /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */ keys: Set } export interface DraggableCollectionEndEvent extends DragEndEvent { /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */ keys: Set, /** Whether the drop ended within the same collection as it originated. */ isInternal: boolean } export type DragPreviewRenderer = (items: DragItem[], callback: (node: HTMLElement) => void) => void; export interface DraggableCollectionProps { /** Handler that is called when a drag operation is started. */ onDragStart?: (e: DraggableCollectionStartEvent) => void, /** Handler that is called when the drag is moved. */ onDragMove?: (e: DraggableCollectionMoveEvent) => void, /** Handler that is called when the drag operation is ended, either as a result of a drop or a cancellation. */ onDragEnd?: (e: DraggableCollectionEndEvent) => void, /** A function that returns the items being dragged. */ getItems: (keys: Set) => DragItem[], /** The ref of the element that will be rendered as the drag preview while dragging. */ preview?: RefObject, /** Function that returns the drop operations that are allowed for the dragged items. If not provided, all drop operations are allowed. */ getAllowedDropOperations?: () => DropOperation[] }