import { IterableX } from '../iterable'; /** * Concatenates the input sequences. * @param {Iterable>} source Source sequences. * @return {Iterable} Sequence with the elements of the source sequences concatenated. */ export declare function concatAll(source: Iterable>): IterableX; /** * Concatenates the input sequences. * @param {Iterable} source The first source sequence. * @param {...Iterable} args The rest of the source sequences. * @return {Iterable} Sequence with the elements of the source sequences concatenated. */ export declare function concat(source: Iterable, ...args: Iterable[]): IterableX; /** * Concatenates the input sequences. * @param {...Iterable} args Source sequences. * @return {Iterable} Sequence with the elements of the source sequences concatenated. */ export declare function concatStatic(...args: Iterable[]): IterableX;