import { AsyncIterableX } from '../asynciterable'; /** * Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate. * @param {Iterable> | AsyncIterable} source Source sequence. * @param {function(value: T, index: number): boolean | Promise} predicate A function to test each source element for a condition. * @param {Object} [thisArg] Value to use as this when executing callback. * @return {AsyncIterable} Sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition. */ export declare function filterAsync(source: Iterable> | AsyncIterable, predicate: (value: T, index: number) => value is S, thisArg?: any): AsyncIterableX; export declare function filterAsync(source: Iterable> | AsyncIterable, predicate: (value: T, index: number) => boolean | Promise, thisArg?: any): AsyncIterableX;