import { AsyncIterableX } from './asynciterablex'; /** * If the specified condition evaluates true, select the thenSource sequence. * Otherwise, select the elseSource sequence. * * @export * @template TSource The type of the elements in the result sequence. * @param {((signal?: AbortSignal) => boolean | Promise)} condition Condition evaluated to decide which sequence to return. * @param {AsyncIterable} thenSource Sequence returned in case evaluates true. * @param {AsyncIterable} [elseSource=empty()] Sequence returned in case condition evaluates false. * @returns {AsyncIterableX} thenSource if condition evaluates true; elseSource otherwise. */ export declare function iif(condition: (signal?: AbortSignal) => boolean | Promise, thenSource: AsyncIterable, elseSource?: AsyncIterable): AsyncIterableX;