/// import { BufferLike } from '../interfaces'; import { Readable, ReadableOptions } from 'stream'; declare type AsyncSourceIterator = AsyncIterator; export declare class AsyncIterableReadable extends Readable { private _pulling; private _objectMode; private _iterator; constructor(source: AsyncIterable, options?: ReadableOptions); _read(size: number): void; _destroy(err: Error | null, cb: (err: Error | null) => void): void; _pull(it: AsyncSourceIterator, size: number): Promise; } /** * Converts an existing async-iterable to a Node.js stream. * @param source The async-iterable to convert to a Node.js stream. * @param options The optional Readable options for the Node.js stream. */ export declare function toNodeStream(source: AsyncIterable): AsyncIterableReadable; export declare function toNodeStream(source: AsyncIterable, options: ReadableOptions & { objectMode: true; }): AsyncIterableReadable; export declare function toNodeStream(source: AsyncIterable, options: ReadableOptions & { objectMode: false; }): AsyncIterableReadable; /** * @ignore */ export declare function toNodeStreamProto(this: AsyncIterable): AsyncIterableReadable; export declare function toNodeStreamProto(this: AsyncIterable, options: ReadableOptions & { objectMode: true; }): AsyncIterableReadable; export declare function toNodeStreamProto(this: AsyncIterable, options: ReadableOptions & { objectMode: false; }): AsyncIterableReadable; declare module '../asynciterable/asynciterablex' { interface AsyncIterableX { toNodeStream: typeof toNodeStreamProto; } } export {};