import { IterableX } from './iterablex'; /** * Generates an iterable sequence by running a state-driven loop producing the sequence's elements. * * @export * @template TState The type of the state used in the generator loop. * @template TResult The type of the elements in the produced sequence. * @param {TState} initialState The initial state. * @param {((value: TState) => boolean)} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {((value: TState) => TState)} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {((value: TState) => TResult)} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in * the sequence. * @returns {IterableX} The generated iterable sequence. */ export declare function generate(initialState: TState, condition: (value: TState) => boolean, iterate: (value: TState) => TState, resultSelector: (value: TState) => TResult): IterableX;