import { createAsyncThunk } from './createAsyncThunk' import { createAction, PayloadAction } from './createAction' import { createSlice } from './createSlice' import { configureStore } from './configureStore' import { createEntityAdapter } from './entities/create_adapter' import { EntityAdapter } from './entities/models' import { BookModel } from './entities/fixtures/book' describe('Combined entity slice', () => { let adapter: EntityAdapter beforeEach(() => { adapter = createEntityAdapter({ selectId: (book: BookModel) =>, sortComparer: (a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title) }) }) it('Entity and async features all works together', async () => { const upsertBook = createAction('otherBooks/upsert') type BooksState = ReturnType & { loading: 'initial' | 'pending' | 'finished' | 'failed' lastRequestId: string | null } const initialState: BooksState = adapter.getInitialState({ loading: 'initial', lastRequestId: null }) const fakeBooks: BookModel[] = [ { id: 'b', title: 'Second' }, { id: 'a', title: 'First' } ] const fetchBooksTAC = createAsyncThunk< BookModel[], void, { state: { books: BooksState } } >( 'books/fetch', async (arg, { getState, dispatch, extra, requestId, signal }) => { const state = getState() return fakeBooks } ) const booksSlice = createSlice({ name: 'books', initialState, reducers: { addOne: adapter.addOne, removeOne(state, action: PayloadAction) { const sizeBefore = state.ids.length // Originally, having nested `produce` calls don't mutate `state` here as I would have expected. // (note that `state` here is actually an Immer Draft, from `createReducer`) // One woarkound was to return the new plain result value instead // See // However, after tweaking `createStateOperator` to check if the argument is a draft, // we can just treat the operator as strictly mutating, without returning a result, // and the result should be correct. const result = adapter.removeOne(state, action) const sizeAfter = state.ids.length if (sizeBefore > 0) { expect(sizeAfter).toBe(sizeBefore - 1) } //Deliberately _don't_ return result } }, extraReducers: builder => { builder.addCase(upsertBook, (state, action) => { return adapter.upsertOne(state, action) }) builder.addCase(fetchBooksTAC.pending, (state, action) => { state.loading = 'pending' state.lastRequestId = action.meta.requestId }) builder.addCase(fetchBooksTAC.fulfilled, (state, action) => { if ( state.loading === 'pending' && action.meta.requestId === state.lastRequestId ) { adapter.setAll(state, action.payload) state.loading = 'finished' state.lastRequestId = null } }) } }) const { addOne, removeOne } = booksSlice.actions const { reducer } = booksSlice const store = configureStore({ reducer: { books: reducer } }) await store.dispatch(fetchBooksTAC()) const { books: booksAfterLoaded } = store.getState() // Sorted, so "First" goes first expect(booksAfterLoaded.ids).toEqual(['a', 'b']) expect(booksAfterLoaded.lastRequestId).toBe(null) expect(booksAfterLoaded.loading).toBe('finished') store.dispatch(addOne({ id: 'd', title: 'Remove Me' })) store.dispatch(removeOne('d')) store.dispatch(addOne({ id: 'c', title: 'Middle' })) const { books: booksAfterAddOne } = store.getState() // Sorted, so "Middle" goes in the middle expect(booksAfterAddOne.ids).toEqual(['a', 'c', 'b']) store.dispatch(upsertBook({ id: 'c', title: 'Zeroth' })) const { books: booksAfterUpsert } = store.getState() // Sorted, so "Zeroth" goes last expect(booksAfterUpsert.ids).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']) }) })