import { mockConsole, createConsole, getLog, } from 'console-testing-library/pure' import type { Reducer } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import { configureStore, createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware, findNonSerializableValue, isPlain, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' // Mocking console let restore = () => {} beforeEach(() => { restore = mockConsole(createConsole()) }) afterEach(() => restore()) describe('findNonSerializableValue', () => { it('Should return false if no matching values are found', () => { const obj = { a: 42, b: { b1: 'test', }, c: [99, { d: 123 }], } const result = findNonSerializableValue(obj) expect(result).toBe(false) }) it('Should return a keypath and the value if it finds a non-serializable value', () => { function testFunction() {} const obj = { a: 42, b: { b1: testFunction, }, c: [99, { d: 123 }], } const result = findNonSerializableValue(obj) expect(result).toEqual({ keyPath: 'b.b1', value: testFunction }) }) it('Should return the first non-serializable value it finds', () => { const map = new Map() const symbol = Symbol.for('testSymbol') const obj = { a: 42, b: { b1: 1, }, c: [99, { d: 123 }, map, symbol, 'test'], d: symbol, } const result = findNonSerializableValue(obj) expect(result).toEqual({ keyPath: 'c.2', value: map }) }) it('Should return a specific value if the root object is non-serializable', () => { const value = new Map() const result = findNonSerializableValue(value) expect(result).toEqual({ keyPath: '', value }) }) it('Should accept null as a valid value', () => { const obj = { a: 42, b: { b1: 1, }, c: null, } const result = findNonSerializableValue(obj) expect(result).toEqual(false) }) }) describe('serializableStateInvariantMiddleware', () => { it('Should log an error when a non-serializable action is dispatched', () => { const reducer: Reducer = (state = 0, _action) => state + 1 const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware() const store = configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) const type = Symbol.for('SOME_CONSTANT') const dispatchedAction = { type } store.dispatch(dispatchedAction) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in an action, in the path: \`type\`. Value: Symbol(SOME_CONSTANT) Take a look at the logic that dispatched this action: Object { \\"type\\": Symbol(SOME_CONSTANT), } (See (To allow non-serializable values see:" `) }) it('Should log an error when a non-serializable value is in state', () => { const ACTION_TYPE = 'TEST_ACTION' const initialState = { a: 0, } const badValue = new Map() const reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: { return { a: badValue, } } default: return state } } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware() const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE }) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: \`testSlice.a\`. Value: Map {} Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: TEST_ACTION. (See" `) }) describe('consumer tolerated structures', () => { const nonSerializableValue = new Map() const nestedSerializableObjectWithBadValue = { isSerializable: true, entries: (): [string, any][] => [ ['good-string', 'Good!'], ['good-number', 1337], ['bad-map-instance', nonSerializableValue], ], } const serializableObject = { isSerializable: true, entries: (): [string, any][] => [ ['first', 1], ['second', 'B!'], ['third', nestedSerializableObjectWithBadValue], ], } it('Should log an error when a non-serializable value is nested in state', () => { const ACTION_TYPE = 'TEST_ACTION' const initialState = { a: 0, } const reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: { return { a: serializableObject, } } default: return state } } // use default options const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware() const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE }) // since default options are used, the `entries` function in `serializableObject` will cause the error expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: \`testSlice.a.entries\`. Value: [Function entries] Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: TEST_ACTION. (See" `) }) it('Should use consumer supplied isSerializable and getEntries options to tolerate certain structures', () => { const ACTION_TYPE = 'TEST_ACTION' const initialState = { a: 0, } const isSerializable = (val: any): boolean => val.isSerializable || isPlain(val) const getEntries = (val: any): [string, any][] => val.isSerializable ? val.entries() : Object.entries(val) const reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: { return { a: serializableObject, } } default: return state } } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable, getEntries, }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE }) // error reported is from a nested class instance, rather than the `entries` function `serializableObject` expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: \`testSlice.a.third.bad-map-instance\`. Value: Map {} Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: TEST_ACTION. (See" `) }) }) it('Should use the supplied isSerializable function to determine serializability', () => { const ACTION_TYPE = 'TEST_ACTION' const initialState = { a: 0, } const badValue = new Map() const reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: { return { a: badValue, } } default: return state } } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable: () => true, }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE }) // Supplied 'isSerializable' considers all values serializable, hence // no error logging is expected: expect(getLog().log).toBe('') }) it('should not check serializability for ignored action types', () => { let numTimesCalled = 0 const serializableStateMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable: () => { numTimesCalled++ return true }, ignoredActions: ['IGNORE_ME'], }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: () => ({}), middleware: [serializableStateMiddleware], }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(0) store.dispatch({ type: 'IGNORE_ME' }) // The state check only calls `isSerializable` once expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(1) store.dispatch({ type: 'ANY_OTHER_ACTION' }) // Action checks call `isSerializable` 2+ times when enabled expect(numTimesCalled).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(3) }) describe('ignored action paths', () => { function reducer() { return 0 } const nonSerializableValue = new Map() it('default value: meta.arg', () => { configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware()], }).dispatch({ type: 'test', meta: { arg: nonSerializableValue } }) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`) }) it('default value can be overridden', () => { configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [ createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ ignoredActionPaths: [], }), ], }).dispatch({ type: 'test', meta: { arg: nonSerializableValue } }) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in an action, in the path: \`meta.arg\`. Value: Map {} Take a look at the logic that dispatched this action: Object { \\"meta\\": Object { \\"arg\\": Map {}, }, \\"type\\": \\"test\\", } (See (To allow non-serializable values see:" `) }) it('can specify (multiple) different values', () => { configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [ createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ ignoredActionPaths: ['payload', 'meta.arg'], }), ], }).dispatch({ type: 'test', payload: { arg: nonSerializableValue }, meta: { arg: nonSerializableValue }, }) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`) }) }) it('allows ignoring actions entirely', () => { let numTimesCalled = 0 const serializableStateMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable: () => { numTimesCalled++ return true }, ignoreActions: true, }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: () => ({}), middleware: [serializableStateMiddleware], }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(0) store.dispatch({ type: 'THIS_DOESNT_MATTER' }) // `isSerializable` is called once for a state check expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(1) store.dispatch({ type: 'THIS_DOESNT_MATTER_AGAIN' }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(2) }) it('should not check serializability for ignored slice names', () => { const ACTION_TYPE = 'TEST_ACTION' const initialState = { a: 0, } const badValue = new Map() const reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: { return { a: badValue, b: { c: badValue, d: badValue, }, e: { f: badValue }, } } default: return state } } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ ignoredPaths: [ // Test for ignoring a single value 'testSlice.a', // Test for ignoring a single nested value 'testSlice.b.c', // Test for ignoring an object and its children 'testSlice.e', ], }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE }) // testSlice.b.d was not covered in ignoredPaths, so will still log the error expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: \`testSlice.b.d\`. Value: Map {} Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: TEST_ACTION. (See" `) }) it('allows ignoring state entirely', () => { const badValue = new Map() let numTimesCalled = 0 const reducer = () => badValue const store = configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [ createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable: () => { numTimesCalled++ return true }, ignoreState: true, }), ], }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(0) store.dispatch({ type: 'test' }) expect(getLog().log).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`) // Should be called twice for the action - there is an initial check for early returns, then a second and potentially 3rd for nested properties expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(2) }) it('never calls isSerializable if both ignoreState and ignoreActions are true', () => { const badValue = new Map() let numTimesCalled = 0 const reducer = () => badValue const store = configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [ createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ isSerializable: () => { numTimesCalled++ return true }, ignoreState: true, ignoreActions: true, }), ], }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(0) store.dispatch({ type: 'TEST', payload: new Date() }) store.dispatch({ type: 'OTHER_THING' }) expect(numTimesCalled).toBe(0) }) it('Should print a warning if execution takes too long', () => { const reducer: Reducer = (state = 42, action) => { return state } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ warnAfter: 4 }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: 'SOME_ACTION', payload: new Array(10000).fill({ value: 'more' }), }) expect(getLog().log).toMatch( /^SerializableStateInvariantMiddleware took \d*ms, which is more than the warning threshold of 4ms./ ) }) it('Should not print a warning if "reducer" takes too long', () => { const reducer: Reducer = (state = 42, action) => { const started = while ( - started < 8) {} return state } const serializableStateInvariantMiddleware = createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware({ warnAfter: 4 }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { testSlice: reducer, }, middleware: [serializableStateInvariantMiddleware], }) store.dispatch({ type: 'SOME_ACTION' }) expect(getLog().log).toMatch('') }) })