/** * Note: this file should import all other files for type discovery and declaration merging */ import type { PatchQueryDataThunk, UpdateQueryDataThunk, UpsertQueryDataThunk } from './buildThunks'; import './buildThunks'; import type { ActionCreatorWithPayload, AnyAction, Middleware, Reducer, ThunkAction, ThunkDispatch } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import type { EndpointDefinitions, QueryArgFrom, QueryDefinition, MutationDefinition, TagDescription } from '../endpointDefinitions'; import type { CombinedState, QueryKeys, MutationKeys, RootState } from './apiState'; import type { Module } from '../apiTypes'; import { onFocus, onFocusLost, onOnline, onOffline } from './setupListeners'; import './buildSelectors'; import type { MutationActionCreatorResult, QueryActionCreatorResult } from './buildInitiate'; import './buildInitiate'; import type { SliceActions } from './buildSlice'; import type { BaseQueryFn } from '../baseQueryTypes'; import type { ReferenceCacheLifecycle } from './buildMiddleware/cacheLifecycle'; import type { ReferenceQueryLifecycle } from './buildMiddleware/queryLifecycle'; import type { ReferenceCacheCollection } from './buildMiddleware/cacheCollection'; /** * `ifOlderThan` - (default: `false` | `number`) - _number is value in seconds_ * - If specified, it will only run the query if the difference between `new Date()` and the last `fulfilledTimeStamp` is greater than the given value * * @overloadSummary * `force` * - If `force: true`, it will ignore the `ifOlderThan` value if it is set and the query will be run even if it exists in the cache. */ export declare type PrefetchOptions = { ifOlderThan?: false | number; } | { force?: boolean; }; export declare const coreModuleName: unique symbol; export declare type CoreModule = typeof coreModuleName | ReferenceCacheLifecycle | ReferenceQueryLifecycle | ReferenceCacheCollection; export interface ThunkWithReturnValue extends ThunkAction { } declare module '../apiTypes' { interface ApiModules { [coreModuleName]: { /** * This api's reducer should be mounted at `store[api.reducerPath]`. * * @example * ```ts * configureStore({ * reducer: { * [api.reducerPath]: api.reducer, * }, * middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(api.middleware), * }) * ``` */ reducerPath: ReducerPath; /** * Internal actions not part of the public API. Note: These are subject to change at any given time. */ internalActions: InternalActions; /** * A standard redux reducer that enables core functionality. Make sure it's included in your store. * * @example * ```ts * configureStore({ * reducer: { * [api.reducerPath]: api.reducer, * }, * middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(api.middleware), * }) * ``` */ reducer: Reducer, AnyAction>; /** * This is a standard redux middleware and is responsible for things like polling, garbage collection and a handful of other things. Make sure it's included in your store. * * @example * ```ts * configureStore({ * reducer: { * [api.reducerPath]: api.reducer, * }, * middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(api.middleware), * }) * ``` */ middleware: Middleware<{}, RootState, ThunkDispatch>; /** * A collection of utility thunks for various situations. */ util: { /** * This method had to be removed due to a conceptual bug in RTK. * * Despite TypeScript errors, it will continue working in the "buggy" way it did * before in production builds and will be removed in the next major release. * * Nonetheless, you should immediately replace it with the new recommended approach. * See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for new guidance on SSR. * * Please see https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/pull/2481 for details. * @deprecated */ getRunningOperationPromises: never; /** * This method had to be removed due to a conceptual bug in RTK. * It has been replaced by `api.util.getRunningQueryThunk` and `api.util.getRunningMutationThunk`. * Please see https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/pull/2481 for details. * @deprecated */ getRunningOperationPromise: never; /** * A thunk that (if dispatched) will return a specific running query, identified * by `endpointName` and `args`. * If that query is not running, dispatching the thunk will result in `undefined`. * * Can be used to await a specific query triggered in any way, * including via hook calls or manually dispatching `initiate` actions. * * See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for details. */ getRunningQueryThunk>(endpointName: EndpointName, args: QueryArgFrom): ThunkWithReturnValue | undefined>; /** * A thunk that (if dispatched) will return a specific running mutation, identified * by `endpointName` and `fixedCacheKey` or `requestId`. * If that mutation is not running, dispatching the thunk will result in `undefined`. * * Can be used to await a specific mutation triggered in any way, * including via hook trigger functions or manually dispatching `initiate` actions. * * See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for details. */ getRunningMutationThunk>(endpointName: EndpointName, fixedCacheKeyOrRequestId: string): ThunkWithReturnValue | undefined>; /** * A thunk that (if dispatched) will return all running queries. * * Useful for SSR scenarios to await all running queries triggered in any way, * including via hook calls or manually dispatching `initiate` actions. * * See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for details. */ getRunningQueriesThunk(): ThunkWithReturnValue>>; /** * A thunk that (if dispatched) will return all running mutations. * * Useful for SSR scenarios to await all running mutations triggered in any way, * including via hook calls or manually dispatching `initiate` actions. * * See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for details. */ getRunningMutationsThunk(): ThunkWithReturnValue>>; /** * A Redux thunk that can be used to manually trigger pre-fetching of data. * * The thunk accepts three arguments: the name of the endpoint we are updating (such as `'getPost'`), the appropriate query arg values to construct the desired cache key, and a set of options used to determine if the data actually should be re-fetched based on cache staleness. * * React Hooks users will most likely never need to use this directly, as the `usePrefetch` hook will dispatch this thunk internally as needed when you call the prefetching function supplied by the hook. * * @example * * ```ts no-transpile * dispatch(api.util.prefetch('getPosts', undefined, { force: true })) * ``` */ prefetch>(endpointName: EndpointName, arg: QueryArgFrom, options: PrefetchOptions): ThunkAction; /** * A Redux thunk action creator that, when dispatched, creates and applies a set of JSON diff/patch objects to the current state. This immediately updates the Redux state with those changes. * * The thunk action creator accepts three arguments: the name of the endpoint we are updating (such as `'getPost'`), the appropriate query arg values to construct the desired cache key, and an `updateRecipe` callback function. The callback receives an Immer-wrapped `draft` of the current state, and may modify the draft to match the expected results after the mutation completes successfully. * * The thunk executes _synchronously_, and returns an object containing `{patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[], undo: () => void}`. The `patches` and `inversePatches` are generated using Immer's [`produceWithPatches` method](https://immerjs.github.io/immer/patches). * * This is typically used as the first step in implementing optimistic updates. The generated `inversePatches` can be used to revert the updates by calling `dispatch(patchQueryData(endpointName, args, inversePatches))`. Alternatively, the `undo` method can be called directly to achieve the same effect. * * Note that the first two arguments (`endpointName` and `args`) are used to determine which existing cache entry to update. If no existing cache entry is found, the `updateRecipe` callback will not run. * * @example * * ```ts * const patchCollection = dispatch( * api.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', undefined, (draftPosts) => { * draftPosts.push({ id: 1, name: 'Teddy' }) * }) * ) * ``` */ updateQueryData: UpdateQueryDataThunk>; /** @deprecated renamed to `updateQueryData` */ updateQueryResult: UpdateQueryDataThunk>; /** * A Redux thunk action creator that, when dispatched, acts as an artificial API request to upsert a value into the cache. * * The thunk action creator accepts three arguments: the name of the endpoint we are updating (such as `'getPost'`), the appropriate query arg values to construct the desired cache key, and the data to upsert. * * If no cache entry for that cache key exists, a cache entry will be created and the data added. If a cache entry already exists, this will _overwrite_ the existing cache entry data. * * The thunk executes _asynchronously_, and returns a promise that resolves when the store has been updated. * * If dispatched while an actual request is in progress, both the upsert and request will be handled as soon as they resolve, resulting in a "last result wins" update behavior. * * @example * * ```ts * await dispatch( * api.util.upsertQueryData('getPost', {id: 1}, {id: 1, text: "Hello!"}) * ) * ``` */ upsertQueryData: UpsertQueryDataThunk>; /** * A Redux thunk that applies a JSON diff/patch array to the cached data for a given query result. This immediately updates the Redux state with those changes. * * The thunk accepts three arguments: the name of the endpoint we are updating (such as `'getPost'`), the appropriate query arg values to construct the desired cache key, and a JSON diff/patch array as produced by Immer's `produceWithPatches`. * * This is typically used as the second step in implementing optimistic updates. If a request fails, the optimistically-applied changes can be reverted by dispatching `patchQueryData` with the `inversePatches` that were generated by `updateQueryData` earlier. * * In cases where it is desired to simply revert the previous changes, it may be preferable to call the `undo` method returned from dispatching `updateQueryData` instead. * * @example * ```ts * const patchCollection = dispatch( * api.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', undefined, (draftPosts) => { * draftPosts.push({ id: 1, name: 'Teddy' }) * }) * ) * * // later * dispatch( * api.util.patchQueryData('getPosts', undefined, patchCollection.inversePatches) * ) * * // or * patchCollection.undo() * ``` */ patchQueryData: PatchQueryDataThunk>; /** @deprecated renamed to `patchQueryData` */ patchQueryResult: PatchQueryDataThunk>; /** * A Redux action creator that can be dispatched to manually reset the api state completely. This will immediately remove all existing cache entries, and all queries will be considered 'uninitialized'. * * @example * * ```ts * dispatch(api.util.resetApiState()) * ``` */ resetApiState: SliceActions['resetApiState']; /** * A Redux action creator that can be used to manually invalidate cache tags for [automated re-fetching](../../usage/automated-refetching.mdx). * * The action creator accepts one argument: the cache tags to be invalidated. It returns an action with those tags as a payload, and the corresponding `invalidateTags` action type for the api. * * Dispatching the result of this action creator will [invalidate](../../usage/automated-refetching.mdx#invalidating-cache-data) the given tags, causing queries to automatically re-fetch if they are subscribed to cache data that [provides](../../usage/automated-refetching.mdx#providing-cache-data) the corresponding tags. * * The array of tags provided to the action creator should be in one of the following formats, where `TagType` is equal to a string provided to the [`tagTypes`](../createApi.mdx#tagtypes) property of the api: * * - `[TagType]` * - `[{ type: TagType }]` * - `[{ type: TagType, id: number | string }]` * * @example * * ```ts * dispatch(api.util.invalidateTags(['Post'])) * dispatch(api.util.invalidateTags([{ type: 'Post', id: 1 }])) * dispatch( * api.util.invalidateTags([ * { type: 'Post', id: 1 }, * { type: 'Post', id: 'LIST' }, * ]) * ) * ``` */ invalidateTags: ActionCreatorWithPayload>, string>; /** * A function to select all `{ endpointName, originalArgs, queryCacheKey }` combinations that would be invalidated by a specific set of tags. * * Can be used for mutations that want to do optimistic updates instead of invalidating a set of tags, but don't know exactly what they need to update. */ selectInvalidatedBy: (state: RootState, tags: ReadonlyArray>) => Array<{ endpointName: string; originalArgs: any; queryCacheKey: string; }>; }; /** * Endpoints based on the input endpoints provided to `createApi`, containing `select` and `action matchers`. */ endpoints: { [K in keyof Definitions]: Definitions[K] extends QueryDefinition ? ApiEndpointQuery : Definitions[K] extends MutationDefinition ? ApiEndpointMutation : never; }; }; } } export interface ApiEndpointQuery, Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions> { name: string; /** * All of these are `undefined` at runtime, purely to be used in TypeScript declarations! */ Types: NonNullable; } export interface ApiEndpointMutation, Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions> { name: string; /** * All of these are `undefined` at runtime, purely to be used in TypeScript declarations! */ Types: NonNullable; } export declare type ListenerActions = { /** * Will cause the RTK Query middleware to trigger any refetchOnReconnect-related behavior * @link https://rtk-query-docs.netlify.app/api/setupListeners */ onOnline: typeof onOnline; onOffline: typeof onOffline; /** * Will cause the RTK Query middleware to trigger any refetchOnFocus-related behavior * @link https://rtk-query-docs.netlify.app/api/setupListeners */ onFocus: typeof onFocus; onFocusLost: typeof onFocusLost; }; export declare type InternalActions = SliceActions & ListenerActions; /** * Creates a module containing the basic redux logic for use with `buildCreateApi`. * * @example * ```ts * const createBaseApi = buildCreateApi(coreModule()); * ``` */ export declare const coreModule: () => Module;