import type { EndpointDefinitions, QueryDefinition, MutationDefinition, QueryArgFrom, ResultTypeFrom, } from '../endpointDefinitions' import { DefinitionType, isQueryDefinition } from '../endpointDefinitions' import type { QueryThunk, MutationThunk, QueryThunkArg } from './buildThunks' import type { UnknownAction, ThunkAction, SerializedError, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import type { SubscriptionOptions, RootState } from './apiState' import type { InternalSerializeQueryArgs } from '../defaultSerializeQueryArgs' import type { Api, ApiContext } from '../apiTypes' import type { ApiEndpointQuery } from './module' import type { BaseQueryError, QueryReturnValue } from '../baseQueryTypes' import type { QueryResultSelectorResult } from './buildSelectors' import type { Dispatch } from 'redux' import { isNotNullish } from '../utils/isNotNullish' import { countObjectKeys } from '../utils/countObjectKeys' import type { SafePromise } from '../../tsHelpers' import { asSafePromise } from '../../tsHelpers' declare module './module' { export interface ApiEndpointQuery< Definition extends QueryDefinition, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions, > { initiate: StartQueryActionCreator } export interface ApiEndpointMutation< Definition extends MutationDefinition, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions, > { initiate: StartMutationActionCreator } } export const forceQueryFnSymbol = Symbol('forceQueryFn') export const isUpsertQuery = (arg: QueryThunkArg) => typeof arg[forceQueryFnSymbol] === 'function' export interface StartQueryActionCreatorOptions { subscribe?: boolean forceRefetch?: boolean | number subscriptionOptions?: SubscriptionOptions [forceQueryFnSymbol]?: () => QueryReturnValue } type StartQueryActionCreator< D extends QueryDefinition, > = ( arg: QueryArgFrom, options?: StartQueryActionCreatorOptions, ) => ThunkAction, any, any, UnknownAction> export type QueryActionCreatorResult< D extends QueryDefinition, > = SafePromise> & { arg: QueryArgFrom requestId: string subscriptionOptions: SubscriptionOptions | undefined abort(): void unwrap(): Promise> unsubscribe(): void refetch(): QueryActionCreatorResult updateSubscriptionOptions(options: SubscriptionOptions): void queryCacheKey: string } type StartMutationActionCreator< D extends MutationDefinition, > = ( arg: QueryArgFrom, options?: { /** * If this mutation should be tracked in the store. * If you just want to manually trigger this mutation using `dispatch` and don't care about the * result, state & potential errors being held in store, you can set this to false. * (defaults to `true`) */ track?: boolean fixedCacheKey?: string }, ) => ThunkAction, any, any, UnknownAction> export type MutationActionCreatorResult< D extends MutationDefinition, > = SafePromise< | { data: ResultTypeFrom error?: undefined } | { data?: undefined error: | Exclude< BaseQueryError< D extends MutationDefinition ? BaseQuery : never >, undefined > | SerializedError } > & { /** @internal */ arg: { /** * The name of the given endpoint for the mutation */ endpointName: string /** * The original arguments supplied to the mutation call */ originalArgs: QueryArgFrom /** * Whether the mutation is being tracked in the store. */ track?: boolean fixedCacheKey?: string } /** * A unique string generated for the request sequence */ requestId: string /** * A method to cancel the mutation promise. Note that this is not intended to prevent the mutation * that was fired off from reaching the server, but only to assist in handling the response. * * Calling `abort()` prior to the promise resolving will force it to reach the error state with * the serialized error: * `{ name: 'AbortError', message: 'Aborted' }` * * @example * ```ts * const [updateUser] = useUpdateUserMutation(); * * useEffect(() => { * const promise = updateUser(id); * promise * .unwrap() * .catch((err) => { * if ( === 'AbortError') return; * // else handle the unexpected error * }) * * return () => { * promise.abort(); * } * }, [id, updateUser]) * ``` */ abort(): void /** * Unwraps a mutation call to provide the raw response/error. * * @remarks * If you need to access the error or success payload immediately after a mutation, you can chain .unwrap(). * * @example * ```ts * // codeblock-meta title="Using .unwrap" * addPost({ id: 1, name: 'Example' }) * .unwrap() * .then((payload) => console.log('fulfilled', payload)) * .catch((error) => console.error('rejected', error)); * ``` * * @example * ```ts * // codeblock-meta title="Using .unwrap with async await" * try { * const payload = await addPost({ id: 1, name: 'Example' }).unwrap(); * console.log('fulfilled', payload) * } catch (error) { * console.error('rejected', error); * } * ``` */ unwrap(): Promise> /** * A method to manually unsubscribe from the mutation call, meaning it will be removed from cache after the usual caching grace period. The value returned by the hook will reset to `isUninitialized` afterwards. */ reset(): void } export function buildInitiate({ serializeQueryArgs, queryThunk, mutationThunk, api, context, }: { serializeQueryArgs: InternalSerializeQueryArgs queryThunk: QueryThunk mutationThunk: MutationThunk api: Api context: ApiContext }) { const runningQueries: Map< Dispatch, Record | undefined> > = new Map() const runningMutations: Map< Dispatch, Record | undefined> > = new Map() const { unsubscribeQueryResult, removeMutationResult, updateSubscriptionOptions, } = api.internalActions return { buildInitiateQuery, buildInitiateMutation, getRunningQueryThunk, getRunningMutationThunk, getRunningQueriesThunk, getRunningMutationsThunk, } function getRunningQueryThunk(endpointName: string, queryArgs: any) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { const endpointDefinition = context.endpointDefinitions[endpointName] const queryCacheKey = serializeQueryArgs({ queryArgs, endpointDefinition, endpointName, }) return runningQueries.get(dispatch)?.[queryCacheKey] as | QueryActionCreatorResult | undefined } } function getRunningMutationThunk( /** * this is only here to allow TS to infer the result type by input value * we could use it to validate the result, but it's probably not necessary */ _endpointName: string, fixedCacheKeyOrRequestId: string, ) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return runningMutations.get(dispatch)?.[fixedCacheKeyOrRequestId] as | MutationActionCreatorResult | undefined } } function getRunningQueriesThunk() { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => Object.values(runningQueries.get(dispatch) || {}).filter(isNotNullish) } function getRunningMutationsThunk() { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => Object.values(runningMutations.get(dispatch) || {}).filter(isNotNullish) } function middlewareWarning(dispatch: Dispatch) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if ((middlewareWarning as any).triggered) return const returnedValue = dispatch( api.internalActions.internal_getRTKQSubscriptions(), ) ;(middlewareWarning as any).triggered = true // The RTKQ middleware should return the internal state object, // but it should _not_ be the action object. if ( typeof returnedValue !== 'object' || typeof returnedValue?.type === 'string' ) { // Otherwise, must not have been added throw new Error( `Warning: Middleware for RTK-Query API at reducerPath "${api.reducerPath}" has not been added to the store. You must add the middleware for RTK-Query to function correctly!`, ) } } } function buildInitiateQuery( endpointName: string, endpointDefinition: QueryDefinition, ) { const queryAction: StartQueryActionCreator = ( arg, { subscribe = true, forceRefetch, subscriptionOptions, [forceQueryFnSymbol]: forceQueryFn, } = {}, ) => (dispatch, getState) => { const queryCacheKey = serializeQueryArgs({ queryArgs: arg, endpointDefinition, endpointName, }) const thunk = queryThunk({, type: 'query', subscribe, forceRefetch: forceRefetch, subscriptionOptions, endpointName, originalArgs: arg, queryCacheKey, [forceQueryFnSymbol]: forceQueryFn, }) const selector = ( api.endpoints[endpointName] as ApiEndpointQuery ).select(arg) const thunkResult = dispatch(thunk) const stateAfter = selector(getState()) middlewareWarning(dispatch) const { requestId, abort } = thunkResult const skippedSynchronously = stateAfter.requestId !== requestId const runningQuery = runningQueries.get(dispatch)?.[queryCacheKey] const selectFromState = () => selector(getState()) const statePromise: QueryActionCreatorResult = Object.assign( (forceQueryFn ? // a query has been forced (upsertQueryData) // -> we want to resolve it once data has been written with the data that will be written thunkResult.then(selectFromState) : skippedSynchronously && !runningQuery ? // a query has been skipped due to a condition and we do not have any currently running query // -> we want to resolve it immediately with the current data Promise.resolve(stateAfter) : // query just started or one is already in flight // -> wait for the running query, then resolve with data from after that Promise.all([runningQuery, thunkResult]).then( selectFromState, )) as SafePromise, { arg, requestId, subscriptionOptions, queryCacheKey, abort, async unwrap() { const result = await statePromise if (result.isError) { throw result.error } return }, refetch: () => dispatch( queryAction(arg, { subscribe: false, forceRefetch: true }), ), unsubscribe() { if (subscribe) dispatch( unsubscribeQueryResult({ queryCacheKey, requestId, }), ) }, updateSubscriptionOptions(options: SubscriptionOptions) { statePromise.subscriptionOptions = options dispatch( updateSubscriptionOptions({ endpointName, requestId, queryCacheKey, options, }), ) }, }, ) if (!runningQuery && !skippedSynchronously && !forceQueryFn) { const running = runningQueries.get(dispatch) || {} running[queryCacheKey] = statePromise runningQueries.set(dispatch, running) statePromise.then(() => { delete running[queryCacheKey] if (!countObjectKeys(running)) { runningQueries.delete(dispatch) } }) } return statePromise } return queryAction } function buildInitiateMutation( endpointName: string, ): StartMutationActionCreator { return (arg, { track = true, fixedCacheKey } = {}) => (dispatch, getState) => { const thunk = mutationThunk({ type: 'mutation', endpointName, originalArgs: arg, track, fixedCacheKey, }) const thunkResult = dispatch(thunk) middlewareWarning(dispatch) const { requestId, abort, unwrap } = thunkResult const returnValuePromise = asSafePromise( thunkResult.unwrap().then((data) => ({ data })), (error) => ({ error }), ) const reset = () => { dispatch(removeMutationResult({ requestId, fixedCacheKey })) } const ret = Object.assign(returnValuePromise, { arg: thunkResult.arg, requestId, abort, unwrap, reset, }) const running = runningMutations.get(dispatch) || {} runningMutations.set(dispatch, running) running[requestId] = ret ret.then(() => { delete running[requestId] if (!countObjectKeys(running)) { runningMutations.delete(dispatch) } }) if (fixedCacheKey) { running[fixedCacheKey] = ret ret.then(() => { if (running[fixedCacheKey] === ret) { delete running[fixedCacheKey] if (!countObjectKeys(running)) { runningMutations.delete(dispatch) } } }) } return ret } } }