import * as Redux from 'redux' import { Action, ConfigRedux, ModelReducers, NamedModel, RematchBag, DevtoolOptions, Models, RematchRootState, } from './types' /** * Creates 'combined' reducer for each model and then merges those reducers * together into a 'root' reducer. It then creates a Redux store with * middlewares and enhancers. */ export default function createReduxStore< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models, RootState = RematchRootState >(bag: RematchBag): Redux.Store { bag.models.forEach((model) => createModelReducer(bag, model)) const rootReducer = createRootReducer(bag) const middlewares = Redux.applyMiddleware(...bag.reduxConfig.middlewares) const enhancers = bag.reduxConfig.devtoolComposer ? bag.reduxConfig.devtoolComposer(...bag.reduxConfig.enhancers, middlewares) : composeEnhancersWithDevtools(bag.reduxConfig.devtoolOptions)( ...bag.reduxConfig.enhancers, middlewares ) const createStore = bag.reduxConfig.createStore || Redux.createStore const bagInitialState = bag.reduxConfig.initialState const initialState = bagInitialState === undefined ? {} : bagInitialState return createStore( rootReducer, initialState, enhancers ) } /** * Creates a combined reducer for a given model. What it means is that: * - it forms an action name for each model's reducer as 'modelName/reducerKey' * - it creates a mapping from action name to its reducer * - it wraps the mapping with a function (combined reducer) that selects and * runs a reducer based on the incoming action * - if the model also has a base reducer defined, it creates a function which * first runs the incoming action through this reducer and then passes the * resulting state and the same action to combined reducer * * The final result - a function, is returned. */ export function createModelReducer< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models, TState extends NamedModel['state'] = any >(bag: RematchBag, model: NamedModel): void { const modelReducers: ModelReducers = {} // build action name for each reducer and create mapping from name to reducer const modelReducerKeys = Object.keys(model.reducers) modelReducerKeys.forEach((reducerKey) => { const actionName = isAlreadyActionName(reducerKey) ? reducerKey : `${}/${reducerKey}` modelReducers[actionName] = model.reducers[reducerKey] }) // select and run a reducer based on the incoming action const combinedReducer = ( state: TState = model.state, action: Action ): TState => { if (action.type in modelReducers) { return modelReducers[action.type]( state, action.payload, action.meta // we use augmentation because a reducer can return void due immer plugin, // which makes optional returning the reducer state ) as TState } return state } const modelBaseReducer = model.baseReducer // when baseReducer is defined, run the action first through it let reducer = !modelBaseReducer ? combinedReducer : (state: TState = model.state, action: Action): TState => combinedReducer(modelBaseReducer(state, action), action) bag.forEachPlugin('onReducer', (onReducer) => { reducer = onReducer(reducer,, bag) || reducer }) bag.reduxConfig.reducers[] = reducer } /** * It merges all reducers in config using mergeReducers function. Additionally, * if user supplied any rootReducers, a wrapper function around merged reducers * is created. It first feeds each into its corresponding 'root' reducer (if * it's available), and then passes on the resulting state to the merged reducer. */ export function createRootReducer< TRootState, TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >(bag: RematchBag): Redux.Reducer { const { rootReducers } = bag.reduxConfig const mergedReducers = mergeReducers(bag.reduxConfig) let rootReducer = mergedReducers if (rootReducers && Object.keys(rootReducers).length) { rootReducer = ( state: TRootState | undefined, action: Action ): TRootState => { const actionRootReducer = rootReducers[action.type] if (actionRootReducer) { return mergedReducers(actionRootReducer(state, action), action) } return mergedReducers(state, action) } } bag.forEachPlugin('onRootReducer', (onRootReducer) => { rootReducer = onRootReducer(rootReducer, bag) || rootReducer }) return rootReducer } /** * Merges all reducers defined in config into one function using user supplied * or default combineReducers function. * If there are no reducers defined, it returns a function that just returns * the state for all incoming actions. */ function mergeReducers( reduxConfig: ConfigRedux ): Redux.Reducer { const combineReducers = reduxConfig.combineReducers || Redux.combineReducers if (!Object.keys(reduxConfig.reducers).length) { return (state: any): TRootState => state } return combineReducers(reduxConfig.reducers as Redux.ReducersMapObject) } /** * Returns Redux Devtools compose method unless it's disabled, in which case it * returns default Redux.compose. */ function composeEnhancersWithDevtools( devtoolOptions: DevtoolOptions = {} ): (...args: any[]) => Redux.StoreEnhancer { return !devtoolOptions.disabled && typeof window === 'object' && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ ? window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__(devtoolOptions) : Redux.compose } /** * Determines if a reducer key is already an action name, for example - * a listener on another model. */ function isAlreadyActionName(reducerKey: string): boolean { return reducerKey.indexOf('/') > -1 }