import { Middleware } from 'redux' import { Action, Config, ExposedFunction, Models, NamedModel, ObjectNotAFunction, Plugin, RematchBag, RematchStore, ModelDispatcher, RematchDispatch, } from './types' import createReduxStore, { createModelReducer, createRootReducer, } from './reduxStore' import { createReducerDispatcher, createEffectDispatcher } from './dispatcher' import { validateModel } from './validate' import createRematchBag from './bag' export default function createRematchStore< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >(config: Config): RematchStore { // setup rematch 'bag' for storing useful values and functions const bag = createRematchBag(config) // add middleware for handling effects bag.reduxConfig.middlewares.push(createEffectsMiddleware(bag)) // collect middlewares from plugins bag.forEachPlugin('createMiddleware', (createMiddleware) => { bag.reduxConfig.middlewares.push(createMiddleware(bag)) }) const reduxStore = createReduxStore(bag) let rematchStore = { ...reduxStore, name:, addModel(model: NamedModel) { validateModel(model) createModelReducer(bag, model) prepareModel(rematchStore, model) enhanceModel(rematchStore, bag, model) reduxStore.replaceReducer(createRootReducer(bag)) reduxStore.dispatch({ type: '@@redux/REPLACE' }) }, } as RematchStore addExposed(rematchStore, config.plugins) /** * generate dispatch[modelName][actionName] for all reducers and effects * * Note: To have circular models accessible in effects method with destructing, * ensure that model generation and effects generation execute in * different steps. */ bag.models.forEach((model) => prepareModel(rematchStore, model)) bag.models.forEach((model) => enhanceModel(rematchStore, bag, model)) bag.forEachPlugin('onStoreCreated', (onStoreCreated) => { rematchStore = onStoreCreated(rematchStore, bag) || rematchStore }) return rematchStore } function createEffectsMiddleware< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >(bag: RematchBag): Middleware { return (store) => (next) => (action: Action): any => { if (action.type in bag.effects) { // first run reducer action if exists next(action) // then run the effect and return its result return (bag.effects as any)[action.type]( action.payload, store.getState(), action.meta ) } return next(action) } } function prepareModel< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models, TModel extends NamedModel >(rematchStore: RematchStore, model: TModel): void { const modelDispatcher = {} as ModelDispatcher // inject model so effects creator can access it rematchStore.dispatch[`${}` as keyof RematchDispatch] = modelDispatcher createReducerDispatcher(rematchStore, model) } function enhanceModel< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models, TModel extends NamedModel >( rematchStore: RematchStore, bag: RematchBag, model: TModel ): void { createEffectDispatcher(rematchStore, bag, model) bag.forEachPlugin('onModel', (onModel) => { onModel(model, rematchStore) }) } /** * Adds properties exposed by plugins into the Rematch instance. If a exposed * property is a function, it passes rematch as the first argument. * * If you're implementing a plugin in TypeScript, extend Rematch namespace by * adding the properties that you exposed from your plugin. */ function addExposed< TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >( store: RematchStore, plugins: Plugin[] ): void { plugins.forEach((plugin) => { if (! return const pluginKeys = Object.keys( pluginKeys.forEach((key) => { if (! return const exposedItem =[key] as | ExposedFunction | ObjectNotAFunction const isExposedFunction = typeof exposedItem === 'function' store[key] = isExposedFunction ? (...params: any[]): any => (exposedItem as ExposedFunction)( store, ...params ) : Object.create([key]) }) }) }