import { Config, ModelEffects, ModelReducers, NamedModel, Plugin, Models, } from './types' /** * If the first item is true, it means there is an error described by * the second item. */ export type Validation = [boolean | undefined, string] /** * Checks if a parameter is a valid object. */ export const isObject = (obj: T): boolean => typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj) /** * Checks if a parameter is a valid function but only when it's defined. * Otherwise, always returns true. */ export const ifDefinedIsFunction = (func: T): boolean => !func || typeof func === 'function' /** * Takes an array of arrays of validations. Collects all errors and throws. * Should be used by plugins to keep the validation behaviour the same for all * Rematch-related libraries. */ const validate = (runValidations: () => Validation[]): void => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const validations = runValidations() const errors: string[] = [] validations.forEach((validation) => { const isInvalid = validation[0] const errorMessage = validation[1] if (isInvalid) { errors.push(errorMessage) } }) if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(errors.join(', ')) } } } export const validateConfig = < TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >( config: Config ): void => { validate(() => [ [!Array.isArray(config.plugins), 'init config.plugins must be an array'], [!isObject(config.models), 'init config.models must be an object'], [ !isObject(config.redux.reducers), 'init config.redux.reducers must be an object', ], [ !Array.isArray(config.redux.middlewares), 'init config.redux.middlewares must be an array', ], [ !Array.isArray(config.redux.enhancers), 'init config.redux.enhancers must be an array of functions', ], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(config.redux.combineReducers), 'init config.redux.combineReducers must be a function', ], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(config.redux.createStore), 'init config.redux.createStore must be a function', ], ]) } export const validateModel = >( model: NamedModel ): void => { validate(() => [ [!model, 'model config is required'], [typeof !== 'string', 'model "name" [string] is required'], [ model.state === undefined && model.baseReducer === undefined, 'model "state" is required', ], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(model.baseReducer), 'model "baseReducer" must be a function', ], ]) } export const validatePlugin = < TModels extends Models, TExtraModels extends Models >( plugin: Plugin ): void => { validate(() => [ [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(plugin.onStoreCreated), 'Plugin onStoreCreated must be a function', ], [!ifDefinedIsFunction(plugin.onModel), 'Plugin onModel must be a function'], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(plugin.onReducer), 'Plugin onReducer must be a function', ], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(plugin.onRootReducer), 'Plugin onRootReducer must be a function', ], [ !ifDefinedIsFunction(plugin.createMiddleware), 'Plugin createMiddleware must be a function', ], ]) } export const validateModelReducer = ( modelName: string, reducers: ModelReducers, reducerName: string ): void => { validate(() => [ [ !!reducerName.match(/\/.+\//), `Invalid reducer name (${modelName}/${reducerName})`, ], [ typeof reducers[reducerName] !== 'function', `Invalid reducer (${modelName}/${reducerName}). Must be a function`, ], ]) } export const validateModelEffect = >( modelName: string, effects: ModelEffects, effectName: string ): void => { validate(() => [ [ !!effectName.match(/\//), `Invalid effect name (${modelName}/${effectName})`, ], [ typeof effects[effectName] !== 'function', `Invalid effect (${modelName}/${effectName}). Must be a function`, ], ]) } export default validate