import { __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__, ExtensionPriority, RemirrorIdentifier } from '@remirror/core-constants'; import type { AnyFunction, Dispose, EmptyShape, GetAcceptUndefined, GetConstructorProps, GetCustomHandler, GetFixed, GetFixedDynamic, GetHandler, GetPartialDynamic, GetStatic, IfNoRequiredProperties, LiteralUnion, MakeUndefined, Primitive, RemoveAnnotations, Replace, Shape, StringKey, UndefinedFlipPartialAndRequired, ValidOptions } from '@remirror/core-types'; import type { OnSetOptionsProps } from '../types'; declare const IGNORE = "__IGNORE__"; declare const GENERAL_OPTIONS: "__ALL__"; export declare abstract class BaseClass { /** * The default options for this extension. * * TODO see if this can be cast to something other than any and allow * composition. */ static readonly defaultOptions: any; /** * The static keys for this class. */ static readonly staticKeys: string[]; /** * The event handler keys. */ static readonly handlerKeys: string[]; /** * Customize the way the handler should behave. */ static handlerKeyOptions: Partial & { [GENERAL_OPTIONS]?: HandlerKeyOptions; }>; /** * The custom keys. */ static readonly customHandlerKeys: string[]; /** * This is not for external use. It is purely here for TypeScript inference of * the generic `Options` type parameter. * * @internal */ ['~O']: Options & DefaultStaticOptions; /** * This identifies this as a `Remirror` object. . * @internal */ abstract readonly [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__]: RemirrorIdentifier; /** * The unique name of this extension. * * @remarks * * Every extension **must** have a name. The name should have a distinct type * to allow for better type inference for end users. By convention the name * should be `camelCased` and unique within your editor instance. * * ```ts * class SimpleExtension extends Extension { * get name() { * return 'simple' as const; * } * } * ``` */ abstract get name(): string; /** * The options for this extension. * * @remarks * * Options are composed of Static, Dynamic, Handlers and ObjectHandlers. * * - `Static` - set at instantiation by the constructor. * - `Dynamic` - optionally set at instantiation by the constructor and also * set during the runtime. * - `Handlers` - can only be set during the runtime. * - `ObjectHandlers` - Can only be set during the runtime of the extension. */ get options(): RemoveAnnotations & DefaultStaticOptions>; /** * Get the dynamic keys for this extension. */ get dynamicKeys(): string[]; /** * The options that this instance was created with, merged with all the * default options. */ get initialOptions(): RemoveAnnotations & DefaultStaticOptions>; /** * The initial options at creation (used to reset). */ private readonly _initialOptions; /** * All the dynamic keys supported by this extension. */ private readonly _dynamicKeys; /** * Private instance of the extension options. */ private _options; /** * The mapped function handlers. */ private _mappedHandlers; constructor(defaultOptions: DefaultStaticOptions, ...[options]: ConstructorProps); /** * This method is called by the extension constructor. It is not strictly a * lifecycle method since at this point the manager has not yet been * instantiated. * * @remarks * * It should be used instead of overriding the constructor which is strongly * advised against. * * There are some limitations when using this method. * * - Accessing `` will throw an error since the manager hasn't been * created and it hasn't yet been attached to the extensions. * - `this.type` in `NodeExtension` and `MarkExtension` will also throw an * error since the schema hasn't been created yet. * * You should use this to setup any instance properties with the options * provided to the extension. */ protected init(): void; /** * Clone the current instance with the provided options. If nothing is * provided it uses the same initial options as the current instance. */ abstract clone(...parameters: ConstructorProps): BaseClass; /** * Get the dynamic keys for this extension. */ private getDynamicKeys; /** * Throw an error if non dynamic keys are updated. */ private ensureAllKeysAreDynamic; /** * Update the properties with the provided partial value when changed. */ setOptions(update: GetPartialDynamic): void; /** * Reset the extension properties to their default values. * * @nonVirtual */ resetOptions(): void; /** * Override this to receive updates whenever the options have been updated on * this instance. This method is called after the updates have already been * applied to the instance. If you need more control over exactly how the * option should be applied you should set the option to be `Custom`. * * **Please Note**: * * This must be defined as a instance method and not a property since it is * called in the constructor. * * ```ts * class ThisPreset extends Preset { * // GOOD ✅ * onSetOptions(props: OnSetOptionsProps) {} * * // BAD ❌ * onSetOptions = (props: OnSetOptionsProps) => {} * } * ``` * * @abstract */ protected onSetOptions?(props: OnSetOptionsProps): void; /** * Update the private options. */ private getDynamicOptions; /** * Update the dynamic options. */ private updateDynamicOptions; /** * Set up the mapped handlers object with default values (an empty array); */ private populateMappedHandlers; /** * This is currently fudged together, I'm not sure it will work. */ private createDefaultHandlerOptions; /** * Add a handler to the event handlers so that it is called along with all the * other handler methods. * * This is helpful for integrating react hooks which can be used in multiple * places. The original problem with fixed properties is that you can only * assign to a method once and it overwrites any other methods. This pattern * for adding handlers allows for multiple usages of the same handler in the * most relevant part of the code. * * More to come on this pattern. * * @nonVirtual */ addHandler>(key: Key, method: GetHandler[Key], priority?: ExtensionPriority): Dispose; /** * Determines if handlers exist for the given key. * * Checking the existence of a handler property directly gives wrong results. * `this.options.onHandlerName` is always truthy because it is a reference to * the wrapper function that calls each handler. * * ```ts * * // GOOD ✅ * if (!this.hasHandlers('onHandlerName')) { * return; * } * * // BAD ❌ * if (!this.options.onHandlerName) { * return; * } * ``` * * @param key The handler to test */ hasHandlers>(key: Key): boolean; private sortHandlers; /** * A method that can be used to add a custom handler. It is up to the * extension creator to manage the handlers and dispose methods. */ addCustomHandler>(key: Key, value: Required>[Key]): Dispose; /** * Override this method if you want to set custom handlers on your extension. * * This must return a dispose function. */ protected onAddCustomHandler?: AddCustomHandler; } /** * @internal */ export declare type CustomHandlerMethod = >(key: Key, value: Required>[Key]) => Dispose; export declare type AddCustomHandler = (props: Partial>) => Dispose | undefined; export declare type AddHandler = >(key: Key, method: GetHandler[Key]) => Dispose; /** * TODO see if this is needed or remove. */ export declare type AddHandlers = (props: Partial>) => Dispose; export interface HandlerKeyOptions { /** * When this value is encountered the handler will exit early. * * Set the value to `'__IGNORE__'` to ignore the early return value. */ earlyReturnValue?: LiteralUnion | ((value: unknown) => boolean); /** * Allows combining the values from the handlers together to produce a single * reduced output value. */ reducer?: { /** * Combine the value with the the previous value */ accumulator: (accumulated: ReturnType, latestValue: ReturnType, ...args: Args) => ReturnType; /** * The a function that returns the default value for combined handler * values. This is required for setting up a default value. */ getDefault: (...args: Args) => ReturnType; }; } export interface BaseClass { constructor: BaseClassConstructor; } export interface BaseClassConstructor extends Function { new (...args: ConstructorProps): any; /** * The identifier for the constructor which can determine whether it is a node * constructor, mark constructor or plain constructor. * @internal */ readonly [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__]: RemirrorIdentifier; /** * Defines the `defaultOptions` for all extension instances. * * @remarks * * Once set it can't be updated during run time. Some of the settings are * optional and some are not. Any non-required settings must be specified in * the `defaultOptions`. * * **Please note**: There is a slight downside when setting up * `defaultOptions`. `undefined` is not supported for partial settings at this * point in time. As a workaround use `null` as the type and pass it as the * value in the default settings. * * @default {} * * @internal */ readonly defaultOptions: DefaultOptions; /** * An array of the keys that are static for this extension. * * This is actually currently unused, but might become useful in the future. * An auto-fix lint rule will be added should that be the case. */ readonly staticKeys: string[]; /** * An array of all the keys which correspond to the the event handler options. * * This **MUST** be present if you want to use event handlers in your * extension. * * Every key here is automatically removed from the `setOptions` method and is * added to the `addHandler` method for adding new handlers. The * `this.options[key]` is automatically replaced with a method that combines * all the handlers into one method that can be called effortlessly. All this * work is done for you. */ readonly handlerKeys: string[]; /** * Customize the way the handler should behave. */ readonly handlerKeyOptions: Partial & { __ALL__?: HandlerKeyOptions; }>; /** * A list of the custom keys in the extension or preset options. */ readonly customHandlerKeys: string[]; } export declare type AnyBaseClassConstructor = Replace, { new (...args: any[]): AnyFunction; }>; /** * Auto infers the parameter for the constructor. If there is a required static * option then the TypeScript compiler will error if nothing is passed in. */ export declare type ConstructorProps = IfNoRequiredProperties, [ options?: GetConstructorProps & DefaultStaticOptions ], [ options: GetConstructorProps & DefaultStaticOptions ]>; /** * Get the expected type signature for the `defaultOptions`. Requires that every * optional setting key (except for keys which are defined on the * `BaseExtensionOptions`) has a value assigned. */ export declare type DefaultOptions = MakeUndefined> & Partial & GetFixedDynamic, StringKey>>; export interface AnyBaseClassOverrides { addCustomHandler: AnyFunction; addHandler: AnyFunction; clone: AnyFunction; } export {};