import type { GetStaticAndDynamic, ValueOf } from '@remirror/core-types'; import { AttributesExtension } from './attributes-extension'; import { CommandsExtension } from './commands-extension'; import { DecorationsExtension, DecorationsOptions } from './decorations-extension'; import { DocChangedExtension } from './doc-changed-extension'; import { HelpersExtension } from './helpers-extension'; import { InputRulesExtension, InputRulesOptions } from './input-rules-extension'; import { KeymapExtension, KeymapOptions } from './keymap-extension'; import { NodeViewsExtension } from './node-views-extension'; import { PasteRulesExtension } from './paste-rules-extension'; import { PluginsExtension } from './plugins-extension'; import { SchemaExtension } from './schema-extension'; import { SuggestExtension, SuggestOptions } from './suggest-extension'; import { TagsExtension } from './tags-extension'; import { UploadExtension } from './upload-extension'; export interface BuiltinOptions extends SuggestOptions, KeymapOptions, DecorationsOptions, InputRulesOptions { } /** * Provides all the builtin extensions to the editor. * * @remarks * * This is used automatically and (at the time of writing) can't be removed from * the editor. If you feel that there's a compelling reason to override these * extensions feel free to create a [discussion * here]( and * it can be addressed. * * @category Builtin Extension * * The order of these extension are important. * * - [[`TagsExtension`]] is places first because it provides tagging which is * used by the schema extension. * - [[`SchemeExtension`]] goes next because it's super important to the editor * functionality and needs to run before everything else which might depend * on it. */ export declare function builtinPreset(options?: GetStaticAndDynamic): BuiltinPreset[]; export type BuiltinPreset = TagsExtension | SchemaExtension | AttributesExtension | PluginsExtension | InputRulesExtension | PasteRulesExtension | NodeViewsExtension | SuggestExtension | CommandsExtension | HelpersExtension | KeymapExtension | DocChangedExtension | UploadExtension | DecorationsExtension; declare global { namespace Remirror { interface ManagerSettings { /** * The options that can be passed into the built in options. */ builtin?: GetStaticAndDynamic; } /** * The builtin preset. */ type Builtin = BuiltinPreset; /** * The union of every extension available via the remirror codebase. */ type Extensions = ValueOf; } }