import type { AcceptUndefined, CommandFunction, CommandFunctionProps, EditorState, EditorView, FromToProps, Handler, MakeRequired, Static } from '@remirror/core-types'; import { DecorationSet } from '@remirror/pm/view'; import { DelayedCommand, DelayedPromiseCreator } from '../commands'; import { Helper, PlainExtension } from '../extension'; import type { CreateExtensionPlugin } from '../types'; export interface DecorationsOptions { /** * This setting is for adding a decoration to the selected text and can be * used to preserve the marker for the selection when the editor loses focus. * * You can set it as `'selection'` to match the default styles provided by * `@remirror/styles`. * * @defaultValue undefined */ persistentSelectionClass?: AcceptUndefined; /** * Add custom decorations to the editor via `extension.addHandler`. This can * be used via the `useDecorations` hook available from `remirror/react`. */ decorations: Handler<(state: EditorState) => DecorationSet>; /** * The className that is added to all placeholder positions * * '@defaultValue 'placeholder' */ placeholderClassName?: Static; /** * The default element that is used for all placeholders. * * @defaultValue 'span' */ placeholderNodeName?: Static; } /** * Simplify the process of adding decorations to the editor. All the decorations * added to the document this way are automatically tracked which allows for * custom components to be nested inside decorations. * * @category Builtin Extension */ export declare class DecorationsExtension extends PlainExtension { get name(): "decorations"; /** * The placeholder decorations. */ private placeholders; /** * A map of the html elements to their decorations. */ private readonly placeholderWidgets; onCreate(): void; /** * Create the extension plugin for inserting decorations into the editor. */ createPlugin(): CreateExtensionPlugin; updateDecorations(): CommandFunction; /** * Command to dispatch a transaction adding the placeholder decoration to * be tracked. * * @param id - the value that is used to identify this tracker. This can * be any value. A promise, a function call, a string. * @param options - the options to call the tracked position with. You can * specify the range `{ from: number; to: number }` as well as the class * name. */ addPlaceholder(id: unknown, placeholder: DecorationPlaceholder, deleteSelection?: boolean): CommandFunction; /** * A command to updated the placeholder decoration. * * To update multiple placeholders you can use chained commands. * * ```ts * let idsWithData: Array<{id: unknown, data: number}>; * * for (const { id, data } of idsWithData) { * chain.updatePlaceholder(id, data); * } * *; * ``` */ updatePlaceholder(id: unknown, data: Data): CommandFunction; /** * A command to remove the specified placeholder decoration. */ removePlaceholder(id: unknown): CommandFunction; /** * A command to remove all active placeholder decorations. */ clearPlaceholders(): CommandFunction; /** * Find the position for the tracker with the ID specified. * * @param id - the unique position id which can be any type */ findPlaceholder(id: unknown): Helper; /** * Find the positions of all the trackers in document. */ findAllPlaceholders(): Helper>; /** * Add some decorations based on the provided settings. */ createDecorations(state: EditorState): DecorationSet; /** * This stores all tracked positions in the editor and maps them via the * transaction updates. */ onApplyState(): void; /** * Add a widget placeholder and track it as a widget placeholder. */ private addWidgetPlaceholder; /** * Add an inline placeholder. */ private addInlinePlaceholder; /** * Add a placeholder for nodes. */ private addNodePlaceholder; /** * Add the node and class name to the placeholder object. */ private withRequiredBase; /** * Get the command metadata. */ private getMeta; /** * Set the metadata for the command. */ private setMeta; /** * Add a placeholder decoration with the specified params to the transaction * and return the transaction. * * It is up to you to dispatch the transaction or you can just use the * commands. */ private addPlaceholderTransaction; /** * Update the data stored by a placeholder. * * This replaces the whole data value. */ private updatePlaceholderTransaction; /** * Discards a previously defined tracker once not needed. * * This should be used to cleanup once the position is no longer needed. */ private removePlaceholderTransaction; /** * This helper returns a transaction that clears all position trackers when * any exist. * * Otherwise it returns undefined. */ private clearPlaceholdersTransaction; /** * Handles delayed commands which rely on the */ private readonly createPlaceholderCommand; } export interface DecorationPlaceholderMeta { /** * The trackers to add. */ added?: Array>; /** * The trackers to update with new data. Data is an object and is used to * include properties like `progress` for progress indicators. Only `widget` * decorations can be updated in this way. */ updated?: Array<{ id: unknown; data: any; }>; /** * The trackers to remove. */ removed?: unknown[]; /** * When set to true will delete all the active trackers. */ clearTrackers?: boolean; } interface BasePlaceholder { /** * A custom class name to use for the placeholder decoration. All the trackers * will automatically be given the class name `remirror-tracker-position` * * @defaultValue '' */ className?: string; /** * A custom html element or string for a created element tag name. * * @defaultValue 'tracker' */ nodeName?: string; } interface DataProps { /** * The data to store for this placeholder. */ data?: Data; } interface InlinePlaceholder extends BasePlaceholder, Partial, DataProps { type: 'inline'; } interface NodePlaceholder extends BasePlaceholder, DataProps { /** * Set this as a node tracker. */ type: 'node'; /** * If provided the The `pos` must be directly before the node in order to be * valid. If not provided it will select the parent node of the current * selection. */ pos: number | null; } export interface WidgetPlaceholder extends BasePlaceholder, DataProps { /** * Declare this as a widget tracker. * * Widget trackers support adding custom components to the created dom * element. */ type: 'widget'; /** * Widget trackers only support fixed positions. */ pos: number; /** * Called the first time this widget decoration is added to the dom. */ createElement?(view: EditorView, pos: number): HTMLElement; /** * Called whenever the position tracker updates with the new position. */ onUpdate?(view: EditorView, pos: number, element: HTMLElement, data: any): void; /** * Called when the widget decoration is removed from the dom. */ onDestroy?(view: EditorView, element: HTMLElement): void; } type WithBase = MakeRequired & { id: unknown; }; export type DecorationPlaceholder = WidgetPlaceholder | NodePlaceholder | InlinePlaceholder; export interface DelayedPlaceholderCommandProps { /** * A function that returns a promise. */ promise: DelayedPromiseCreator; /** * The placeholder configuration. */ placeholder: DecorationPlaceholder; /** * Called when the promise succeeds and the placeholder still exists. If no * placeholder can be found (for example, the user has deleted the entire * document) then the failure handler is called instead. */ onSuccess: (value: Value, range: FromToProps, commandProps: CommandFunctionProps) => boolean; /** * Called when a failure is encountered. */ onFailure?: CommandFunction<{ error: any; }>; } declare global { namespace Remirror { interface ExtensionStore { /** * Create delayed command which automatically adds a placeholder to the * document while the delayed command is being run and also automatically * removes it once it has completed. */ createPlaceholderCommand(props: DelayedPlaceholderCommandProps): DelayedCommand; } interface BaseExtension { /** * Create a decoration set which adds decorations to your editor. The * first parameter is the `EditorState`. * * This can be used in combination with the `onApplyState` handler which * can map the decoration. * * @param state - the editor state which was passed in. */ createDecorations?(state: EditorState): DecorationSet; } interface AllExtensions { decorations: DecorationsExtension; } } } export {};