import type { AnyFunction, CommandFunction, EditorState, EditorStateProps, EmptyShape, LiteralUnion, ProsemirrorNode, RemirrorJSON, StateJSON } from '@remirror/core-types'; import { ActiveFromExtensions, AnyExtension, AttrsFromExtensions, Helper, HelperNames, HelpersFromExtensions, PlainExtension } from '../extension'; import type { ExtensionHelperReturn } from '../types'; import { HelperDecoratorOptions } from './builtin-decorators'; import { InsertNodeOptions } from './commands-extension'; /** * Helpers are custom methods that can provide extra functionality to the * editor. * * @remarks * * They can be used for pulling information from the editor or performing custom * async commands. * * Also provides the default helpers used within the extension. * * @category Builtin Extension */ export declare class HelpersExtension extends PlainExtension { get name(): "helpers"; /** * Add the `html` and `text` string handlers to the editor. */ onCreate(): void; /** * Check whether the selection is empty. */ isSelectionEmpty(state?: EditorState): Helper; isViewEditable(state?: EditorState): Helper; /** * Get the full JSON output for the ProseMirror editor state object. */ getStateJSON(state?: EditorState): Helper; /** * Get the JSON output for the main ProseMirror `doc` node. * * This can be used to persist data between sessions and can be passed as * content to the `initialContent` prop. */ getJSON(state?: EditorState): Helper; /** * @deprecated use `getJSON` instead. */ getRemirrorJSON(state?: EditorState): Helper; /** * Insert a html string as a ProseMirror Node. * * @category Builtin Command */ insertHtml(html: string, options?: InsertNodeOptions): CommandFunction; /** * A method to get all the content in the editor as text. Depending on the * content in your editor, it is not guaranteed to preserve it 100%, so it's * best to test that it meets your needs before consuming. */ getText({ lineBreakDivider, state, }?: GetTextHelperOptions): Helper; getTextBetween(from: number, to: number, doc?: ProsemirrorNode): Helper; /** * Get the html from the current state, or provide a custom state. */ getHTML(state?: EditorState): Helper; /** * Wrap the content in a pre tag to preserve whitespace and see what the * editor does with it. */ private textToProsemirrorNode; } interface GetTextHelperOptions extends Partial { /** * The divider used to separate text blocks. * * @defaultValue '\n\n' */ lineBreakDivider?: string; } declare global { namespace Remirror { interface ManagerStore { /** * The helpers provided by the extensions used. */ helpers: HelpersFromExtensions; /** * Check which nodes and marks are active under the current user * selection. * * ```ts * const { active } =; * * return active.bold() ? 'bold' : 'regular'; * ``` */ active: ActiveFromExtensions; /** * Get the attributes for the named node or mark from the current user * selection. * * ```ts * const { attrs } =; * * attrs.heading(); // => { id: 'i1238ha', level: 1 } * ``` */ attrs: AttrsFromExtensions; } interface BaseExtension { /** * `ExtensionHelpers` * * This pseudo property makes it easier to infer Generic types of this * class. * * @internal */ ['~H']: this['createHelpers'] extends AnyFunction ? ReturnType : EmptyShape; /** * @experimental * * Stores all the helpers that have been added via decorators to the * extension instance. This is used by the `HelpersExtension` to pick the * helpers. * * @internal */ decoratedHelpers?: Record; /** * A helper method is a function that takes in arguments and returns a * value depicting the state of the editor specific to this extension. * * @remarks * * Unlike commands they can return anything and may not effect the * behavior of the editor. * * Below is an example which should provide some idea on how to add * helpers to the app. * * ```tsx * // extension.ts * import { ExtensionFactory } from '@remirror/core'; * * const MyBeautifulExtension = ExtensionFactory.plain({ * name: 'beautiful', * createHelpers: () => ({ * checkBeautyLevel: () => 100 * }), * }) * ``` * * ``` * // app.tsx * import { useRemirrorContext } from '@remirror/react'; * * const MyEditor = () => { * const { helpers } = useRemirrorContext({ autoUpdate: true }); * * return helpers.beautiful.checkBeautyLevel() > 50 * ? (😍) * : (😢); * }; * ``` */ createHelpers?(): ExtensionHelperReturn; } interface StringHandlers { /** * Register the plain `text` string handler which renders a text string * inside a `
            text: HelpersExtension;
             * Register the html string handler, which converts a html string to a
             * prosemirror node.
            html: HelpersExtension;
        interface ExtensionStore {
             * Helper method to provide information about the content of the editor.
             * Each extension can register its own helpers.
             * This should only be accessed after the `onView` lifecycle method
             * otherwise it will throw an error.
            helpers: HelpersFromExtensions;
             * Check which nodes and marks are active under the current user
             * selection.
             * ```ts
             * const { active } =;
             * return active.bold() ? 'bold' : 'regular';
             * ```
            active: ActiveFromExtensions;
             * Get the attributes for the named node or mark from the current user
             * selection.
             * ```ts
             * const { attrs } =;
             * attrs.heading(); // => { id: 'i1238ha', level: 1 }
             * ```
            attrs: AttrsFromExtensions;
        interface ListenerProperties {
            helpers: HelpersFromExtensions;
        interface AllExtensions {
            helpers: HelpersExtension;
     * The helpers name for all extension defined in the current project.
    type AllHelperNames = LiteralUnion, string>;
export {};