import { __Area } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { __clipCells } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { __insertCells } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { __pastedCells } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addColSpan } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addColumn } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addColumnAfter } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addColumnBefore } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { AddIgnoredProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { addListNodes } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { AddMarkStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { AddNodeMarkStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { addRow } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addRowAfter } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addRowBefore } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { addSuggester } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { AllSelection } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { AttributeSpec } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { Attrs } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { AttrStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { autoJoin } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { baseKeymap } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { bulletList } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { canJoin } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { canSplit } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { cellAround } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { CellAttributes } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { CellBookmark } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { CellSelection } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { CellSelectionJSON } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ChangeReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { CheckNextValidSelection } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { closeDoubleQuote } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { closeHistory } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { closeSingleQuote } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { colCount } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { collab } from 'prosemirror-collab'; import { columnIsHeader } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { columnResizing } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ColumnResizingOptions } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { columnResizingPluginKey } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ColWidths } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { Command } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { CompareMatchProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ContentMatch } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { createParagraphNear } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { createRegexFromSuggester } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { Decoration } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { DecorationAttrs } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { DecorationSet } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { DecorationSource } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { DEFAULT_SUGGESTER } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { deleteColumn } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { deleteRow } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { deleteSelection } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { deleteTable } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { DirectEditorProps } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { Direction } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { DocAttrStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { DocChangedProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { DOMEventMap } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { DOMOutputSpec } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { DOMParser as DOMParser_2 } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { DOMSerializer } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { Dragging } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { dropCursor } from 'prosemirror-dropcursor'; import { dropPoint } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { EditorProps } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { EditorSchema as EditorSchema_alias_1 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { EditorState } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { EditorState as EditorState_alias_2 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { EditorStateConfig } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { EditorStateProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { EditorView as EditorView_alias_1 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { EditorViewProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ellipsis } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { emDash } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { exitCode } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { ExitReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { FileDropHandlerProps } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { FileHandlerProps } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { FilePasteHandlerProps } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { FilePasteRule } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { findCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { findFromSuggesters } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { findWrapping } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { fixTables } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { fixTablesKey } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { Fragment } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { GapCursor } from 'prosemirror-gapcursor'; import { gapCursor } from 'prosemirror-gapcursor'; import { GenericParseRule } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { GetCellTypeOptions } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { getFromDOM } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { getSuggesterWithDefaults } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { getSuggestPluginState } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { getVersion } from 'prosemirror-collab'; import { goToNextCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { handlePaste } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { history as history_2 } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { IGNORE_SUGGEST_META_KEY } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ignoreUpdateForSuggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { InputRule } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { inputRules } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { inSameTable } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { insertPoint } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { isChangeReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isExitReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isInCode } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { IsInCodeOptions } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { isInTable } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { isInvalidSplitReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isJumpReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isRemovedReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isSelectionChangeReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isSelectionExitReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isSplitReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { isValidMatch } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { joinBackward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { joinDown } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { joinForward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { joinPoint } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { joinTextblockBackward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { joinTextblockForward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { joinUp } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { keydownHandler } from 'prosemirror-keymap'; import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap'; import { lift } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { liftEmptyBlock } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { liftListItem } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { liftTarget } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { listItem } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { macBaseKeymap } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { MakeOptional } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { Mappable } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { Mapping } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { MapResult } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { Mark } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { markActiveInRange } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { MarkPasteRule } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { MarkSpec } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { MarkType } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { MarkViewConstructor } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { MatchValue } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { mergeCells } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { moveCellForward } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { MutableAttrs } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { newlineInCode } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { nextCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { Node as Node_2 } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { NodePasteRule } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { NodeRange } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { NodeSelection } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { NodeSpec } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { NodeType } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { NodeView } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { NodeViewConstructor } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { openDoubleQuote } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { openSingleQuote } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { orderedList } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { ParseOptions } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { ParseRule } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { PasteRule } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { pasteRules } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { pcBaseKeymap } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { Plugin as Plugin_2 } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { PluginKey } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { PluginSpec } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { PluginView } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { chainCommands as pmChainCommands } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { pointsAtCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { positionHasMarks } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { Problem } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ProsemirrorNode as ProsemirrorNode_alias_1 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { rangeHasMarks } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { RangeWithCursor } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ReasonMatchProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ReasonProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { receiveTransaction } from 'prosemirror-collab'; import { Rect } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { redo } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { redoDepth } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { redoNoScroll } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { removeColSpan } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { removeColumn } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { RemoveIgnoredProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { RemoveMarkStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { RemoveNodeMarkStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { removeRow } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { removeSuggester } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ReplaceAroundStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { ReplaceError } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { ReplaceStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { replaceStep } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { ResizeState } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ResolvedPos } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { ResolvedPos as ResolvedPos_alias_2 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ResolvedPosProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { ResolvedRangeWithCursor } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { rowIsHeader } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { Schema } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { SchemaSpec } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { selectAll } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { selectedRect } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { Selection as Selection_2 } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { SelectionBookmark } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { selectionCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { selectionOutsideMatch } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SelectionProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SelectionRange } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { selectNodeBackward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { selectNodeForward } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { selectParentNode } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { selectTextblockEnd } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { selectTextblockStart } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { sendableSteps } from 'prosemirror-collab'; import { setBlockType } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { setCellAttr } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { setDOMAttr } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ShouldDisableDecorations } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { sinkListItem } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { Slice } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { smartQuotes } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { splitBlock } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { splitBlockAs } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { splitBlockKeepMarks } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { splitCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { splitCellWithType } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { splitListItem } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { splitListItemKeepMarks } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { StateField } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { Step } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { StepMap } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { StepResult } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { StyleParseRule } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestChangeHandler } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestChangeHandlerProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { Suggester } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggesterProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestIgnoreProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestMarkProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestMatch } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestMatchWithReason } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestReasonMap } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestState } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { SuggestStateMatchProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { tableEditing } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { tableEditingKey } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableEditingOptions } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableMap } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableNodes } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { tableNodes } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableNodesOptions } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { tableNodeTypes } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableRect } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableRole } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TableView } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { TagParseRule } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { textblockTypeInputRule } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { TextPasteRule } from 'prosemirror-paste-rules'; import { TextProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { TextSelection } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { toggleHeader } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { toggleHeaderCell } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { toggleHeaderColumn } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { toggleHeaderRow } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { ToggleHeaderType } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { toggleMark } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { trailingNode } from 'prosemirror-trailing-node'; import { TrailingNodePluginOptions } from 'prosemirror-trailing-node'; import { Transaction } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { Transaction as Transaction_alias_2 } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { TransactionProps } from 'prosemirror-suggest'; import { Transform } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { undo } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { undoDepth } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { undoInputRule } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import { undoNoScroll } from 'prosemirror-history'; import { updateColumnsOnResize } from 'prosemirror-tables'; import { wrapIn } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { wrapInList } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { wrappingInputRule } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; export { __Area } export { __clipCells } export { __insertCells } export { __pastedCells } export { addColSpan } export { addColumn } export { addColumnAfter } export { addColumnBefore } export { AddIgnoredProps } export { addListNodes } export { AddMarkStep } export { AddNodeMarkStep } export { addRow } export { addRowAfter } export { addRowBefore } export { addSuggester } export { AllSelection } export { AttributeSpec } export { Attrs } export { AttrStep } export { autoJoin } export { baseKeymap } declare type Brand = Type & Branding; declare const _brand: unique symbol; declare interface Branding { readonly [_brand]: Type; } export { bulletList } export { canJoin } export { canSplit } export { cellAround } export { CellAttributes } export { CellBookmark } export { CellSelection } export { CellSelectionJSON } /** * Creates a fake state that can be used on ProseMirror library commands to make * them chainable. The provided Transaction `tr` can be a shared one. * * @param tr - the chainable transaction that should be amended. * @param state - the state of the editor (available via `view.state`). * * This should not be used other than for passing to `prosemirror-*` library * commands. */ declare function chainableEditorState(tr: Transaction, state: EditorState): EditorState; export { chainableEditorState } export { chainableEditorState as chainableEditorState_alias_1 } /** * Similar to the chainCommands from the `prosemirror-commands` library. Allows * multiple commands to be chained together and runs until one of them returns * true. */ declare function chainCommands(...commands: Array>): CommandFunction; export { chainCommands } export { chainCommands as chainCommands_alias_1 } export { ChangeReason } export { CheckNextValidSelection } export { closeDoubleQuote } export { closeHistory } export { closeSingleQuote } export { colCount } export { collab } export { columnIsHeader } export { columnResizing } export { ColumnResizingOptions } export { columnResizingPluginKey } export { ColWidths } export { Command } /** * A command method for running commands in your editor. * * @typeParam Schema - the underlying editor schema. * @typeParam ExtraProps - extra parameters to add to the command function. * * @remarks * * This groups all the prosemirror command arguments into a single parameter. * * tldr; When `dispatch=undefined` make sure the command function is **idempotent**. * * One thing to be aware of is that when creating a command function the * `tr` should only be updated when the `dispatch` method is available. This is * because by convention calling the command function with `dispatch=undefined` * is used to check if the function returns `true`, an indicator that it is * enabled, or returns `false` to indicate it is not enabled. * * If the transaction has been updated outside of the `dispatch=true` condition * then running the command again will result in multiple transaction updates * and unpredictable behavior. * * @see {@link ProsemirrorCommandFunction} */ declare type CommandFunction = (params: CommandFunctionProps & ExtraProps) => boolean; export { CommandFunction } export { CommandFunction as CommandFunction_alias_1 } /** * A parameter builder interface for the remirror `CommandFunction`. * * @typeParam Schema - the underlying editor schema. */ declare interface CommandFunctionProps { /** * The shared ProseMirror Transaction. */ tr: Transaction; /** * A snapshot of the ProseMirror editor state. */ state: EditorState; /** * The dispatch function which causes the command to be performed. * * @remarks * * `dispatch` can be `undefined`. When no `dispatch` callback is provided the * command should perform a 'dry run', determining whether the command is * applicable (`return true`), but not actually performing the action. */ dispatch?: DispatchFunction; /** * An instance of the ProseMirror editor `view`. */ view?: EditorView; } export { CommandFunctionProps } export { CommandFunctionProps as CommandFunctionProps_alias_1 } export { CompareMatchProps } export { ContentMatch } /** * Wraps the default [[ProsemirrorCommandFunction]] and makes it compatible with * the default **remirror** [[CommandFunction]] call signature. * * It extracts all the public APIs of the state object and assigns the * chainable transaction to the `` property to support chaining. */ declare function convertCommand(commandFunction: ProsemirrorCommandFunction): CommandFunction; export { convertCommand } export { convertCommand as convertCommand_alias_1 } export { createParagraphNear } export { createRegexFromSuggester } export { Decoration } export { Decoration as Decoration_alias_1 } export { Decoration as Decoration_alias_2 } export { DecorationAttrs } export { DecorationSet } export { DecorationSet as DecorationSet_alias_1 } export { DecorationSet as DecorationSet_alias_2 } export { DecorationSource } export { DEFAULT_SUGGESTER } export { deleteColumn } export { deleteRow } export { deleteSelection } export { deleteTable } export { DirectEditorProps } export { Direction } /** * Used to apply the Prosemirror transaction to the current {@link EditorState}. * * @typeParam Schema - the underlying editor schema. */ declare type DispatchFunction = (tr: Transaction) => void; export { DispatchFunction } export { DispatchFunction as DispatchFunction_alias_1 } export { DocAttrStep } export { DocChangedProps } export { DOMEventMap } export { DOMOutputSpec } export { DOMParser_2 as DOMParser } export { DOMSerializer } export { Dragging } export { dropCursor } export { dropPoint } export { EditorProps } export { EditorSchema_alias_1 } export { EditorState } export { EditorState as EditorState_alias_1 } export { EditorState as EditorState_alias_3 } export { EditorState_alias_2 } export { EditorStateConfig } export { EditorStateProps } export { EditorView } export { EditorView as EditorView_alias_2 } export { EditorView as EditorView_alias_3 } export { EditorView_alias_1 } export { EditorViewProps } export { ellipsis } export { emDash } export { exitCode } export { ExitReason } export { FileDropHandlerProps } export { FileHandlerProps } export { FilePasteHandlerProps } export { FilePasteRule } export { findCell } export { findFromSuggesters } export { findWrapping } export { fixTables } export { fixTablesKey } export { Fragment } export { Fragment as Fragment_alias_1 } export { Fragment as Fragment_alias_2 } export { GapCursor } export { gapCursor } export { GenericParseRule } export { GetCellTypeOptions } export { getFromDOM } export { getSuggesterWithDefaults } export { getSuggestPluginState } export { getVersion } export { goToNextCell } export { handlePaste } export { history_2 as history } export { IGNORE_SUGGEST_META_KEY } export { ignoreUpdateForSuggest } export { InputRule } export { InputRule as InputRule_alias_1 } export { InputRule as InputRule_alias_2 } export { inputRules } export { inSameTable } export { insertPoint } /** * Predicate checking whether the selection is a [[`CellSelection`]]. * * @param value - the value to check */ export declare function isCellSelection(value: unknown): value is CellSelection; export { isChangeReason } export { isExitReason } export { isInCode } export { IsInCodeOptions } export { isInTable } export { isInvalidSplitReason } export { isJumpReason } export { isRemovedReason } export { isSelectionChangeReason } export { isSelectionExitReason } export { isSplitReason } export { isValidMatch } export { joinBackward } export { joinDown } export { joinForward } export { joinPoint } export { joinTextblockBackward } export { joinTextblockForward } export { joinUp } export { keydownHandler } export { keymap } export { lift } export { liftEmptyBlock } export { liftListItem } export { liftTarget } export { listItem } export { macBaseKeymap } export { MakeOptional } export { Mappable } export { Mapping } export { Mapping as Mapping_alias_1 } export { Mapping as Mapping_alias_2 } export { MapResult } export { Mark } export { Mark as Mark_alias_1 } export { Mark as Mark_alias_2 } export { markActiveInRange } export { MarkPasteRule } export { MarkSpec } export { MarkType } export { MarkType as MarkType_alias_1 } export { MarkType as MarkType_alias_2 } export { MarkViewConstructor } export { MatchValue } export { mergeCells } export { moveCellForward } export { MutableAttrs } export { newlineInCode } export { nextCell } export { Node_2 as Node } export { Node_2 as ProsemirrorNode } export { Node_2 as ProsemirrorNode_alias_2 } export { NodePasteRule } export { NodeRange } export { NodeSelection } export { NodeSpec } export { NodeType } export { NodeType as NodeType_alias_1 } export { NodeType as NodeType_alias_2 } export { NodeView } export { NodeView as NodeView_alias_1 } export { NodeView as NodeView_alias_2 } export { NodeViewConstructor } /** * Marks a command function as non chainable. It will throw an error when * chaining is attempted. * * @remarks * * ```ts * const command = nonChainable(({ state, dispatch }) => {...}); * ``` */ declare function nonChainable(commandFunction: CommandFunction): NonChainableCommandFunction; export { nonChainable } export { nonChainable as nonChainable_alias_1 } /** * Brands a command as non chainable so that it can be excluded from the * inferred chainable commands. */ declare type NonChainableCommandFunction = Brand, 'non-chainable'>; export { NonChainableCommandFunction } export { NonChainableCommandFunction as NonChainableCommandFunction_alias_1 } export { openDoubleQuote } export { openSingleQuote } export { orderedList } export { ParseOptions } export { ParseRule } export { PasteRule } export { pasteRules } export { pcBaseKeymap } export { Plugin_2 as Plugin } export { Plugin_2 as ProsemirrorPlugin } export { Plugin_2 as ProsemirrorPlugin_alias_1 } export { PluginKey } export { PluginKey as PluginKey_alias_1 } export { PluginKey as PluginKey_alias_2 } export { PluginSpec } export { PluginView } export { pmChainCommands } export { pointsAtCell } export { positionHasMarks } export { Problem } /** * This is the type signature for commands within the prosemirror editor. * * @remarks * * A command function takes an editor state and optionally a dispatch function * that it can use to dispatch a transaction. It should return a boolean that * indicates whether it could perform any action. * * When no dispatch callback is passed, the command should do a 'dry run', * determining whether it is applicable, but not actually performing any action. * * @typeParam Schema - the underlying editor schema. */ declare type ProsemirrorCommandFunction = (state: EditorState, dispatch: DispatchFunction | undefined, view: EditorView | undefined) => boolean; export { ProsemirrorCommandFunction } export { ProsemirrorCommandFunction as ProsemirrorCommandFunction_alias_1 } export { ProsemirrorNode_alias_1 } export { rangeHasMarks } export { RangeWithCursor } export { ReasonMatchProps } export { ReasonProps } export { receiveTransaction } export { Rect } export { redo } export { redoDepth } export { redoNoScroll } export { removeColSpan } export { removeColumn } export { RemoveIgnoredProps } export { RemoveMarkStep } export { RemoveNodeMarkStep } export { removeRow } export { removeSuggester } export { ReplaceAroundStep } export { ReplaceError } export { ReplaceStep } export { replaceStep } export { ResizeState } export { ResolvedPos } export { ResolvedPos as ResolvedPos_alias_1 } export { ResolvedPos as ResolvedPos_alias_3 } export { ResolvedPos_alias_2 } export { ResolvedPosProps } export { ResolvedRangeWithCursor } export { rowIsHeader } export { Schema as EditorSchema } export { Schema as EditorSchema_alias_2 } export { Schema } export { SchemaSpec } export { selectAll } export { selectedRect } export { Selection_2 as Selection } export { Selection_2 as Selection_alias_1 } export { Selection_2 as Selection_alias_2 } export { SelectionBookmark } export { selectionCell } export { selectionOutsideMatch } export { SelectionProps } export { SelectionRange } export { selectNodeBackward } export { selectNodeForward } export { selectParentNode } export { selectTextblockEnd } export { selectTextblockStart } export { sendableSteps } export { setBlockType } export { setCellAttr } export { setDOMAttr } export { ShouldDisableDecorations } export { sinkListItem } export { Slice } export { Slice as Slice_alias_1 } export { Slice as Slice_alias_2 } export { smartQuotes } export { splitBlock } export { splitBlockAs } export { splitBlockKeepMarks } export { splitCell } export { splitCellWithType } export { splitListItem } export { splitListItemKeepMarks } export { StateField } export { Step } export { StepMap } export { StepResult } export { StyleParseRule } export { suggest } export { SuggestChangeHandler } export { SuggestChangeHandlerProps } export { Suggester } export { SuggesterProps } export { SuggestIgnoreProps } export { SuggestMarkProps } export { SuggestMatch } export { SuggestMatchWithReason } export { SuggestReasonMap } export { SuggestState } export { SuggestStateMatchProps } export { tableEditing } export { tableEditingKey } export { TableEditingOptions } export { TableMap } export { TableNodes } export { tableNodes } export { TableNodesOptions } export { tableNodeTypes } export { TableRect } export { TableRole } export { TableView } export { TagParseRule } export { textblockTypeInputRule } export { TextPasteRule } export { TextProps } export { TextSelection } export { toggleHeader } export { toggleHeaderCell } export { toggleHeaderColumn } export { toggleHeaderRow } export { ToggleHeaderType } export { toggleMark } export { trailingNode } export { TrailingNodePluginOptions } export { Transaction } export { Transaction as Transaction_alias_1 } export { Transaction as Transaction_alias_3 } export { Transaction_alias_2 } export { TransactionProps } export { Transform } export { undo } export { undoDepth } export { undoInputRule } export { undoNoScroll } export { updateColumnsOnResize } export { wrapIn } export { wrapInList } export { wrappingInputRule } export { }