import type { FilterPattern } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import type { Plugin } from 'rollup'; export interface RollupJsonOptions { /** * All JSON files will be parsed by default, * but you can also specifically include files */ include?: FilterPattern; /** * All JSON files will be parsed by default, * but you can also specifically exclude files */ exclude?: FilterPattern; /** * For tree-shaking, properties will be declared as variables, using * either `var` or `const`. * @default false */ preferConst?: boolean; /** * Specify indentation for the generated default export * @default '\t' */ indent?: string; /** * Ignores indent and generates the smallest code * @default false */ compact?: boolean; /** * Generate a named export for every property of the JSON object * @default true */ namedExports?: boolean; } /** * Convert .json files to ES6 modules */ export default function json(options?: RollupJsonOptions): Plugin;