import type { FilterPattern } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import type { Plugin } from 'rollup'; type ValidYamlType = | number | string | boolean | null | { [key: string]: ValidYamlType } | ValidYamlType[]; interface RollupYamlOptions { /** * A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin * should operate on. * By default all files are targeted. */ include?: FilterPattern; /** * A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin * should _ignore_. * By default no files are ignored. */ exclude?: FilterPattern; /** * A function which can optionally mutate parsed YAML. * The function should return the mutated `object`, or `undefined` which will make no changes to * the parsed YAML. * @default undefined */ transform?: (data: ValidYamlType, filePath: string) => ValidYamlType | undefined; /** * - If `single`, specifies that the target YAML documents contain only one document in the * target file(s). * - If more than one [document stream]( exists in * the target YAML file(s), set `documentMode: 'multi'`. * @default 'single' */ documentMode?: 'single' | 'multi'; } /** * A Rollup plugin which Converts YAML files to ES6 modules. */ export default function yaml(options?: RollupYamlOptions): Plugin;