import { AsyncCreatable } from '@salesforce/kit'; import { AuthInfo } from './authInfo'; import { Org } from './org'; import { SecureBuffer } from './secureBuffer'; /** * A Map of Required Salesforce User fields. */ export declare const REQUIRED_FIELDS: { id: string; username: string; lastName: string; alias: string; timeZoneSidKey: string; localeSidKey: string; emailEncodingKey: string; profileId: string; languageLocaleKey: string; email: string; }; /** * Required fields type needed to represent a Salesforce User object. * * **See** */ export declare type UserFields = { -readonly [K in keyof typeof REQUIRED_FIELDS]: string; }; /** * Provides a default set of fields values that can be used to create a user. This is handy for * software development purposes. * * ``` * const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: '' }) * }); * const org: Org = await Org.create({ connection }); * const options: DefaultUserFields.Options = { * templateUser: org.getUsername() * }; * const fields = (await DefaultUserFields.create(options)).getFields(); * ``` */ export declare class DefaultUserFields extends AsyncCreatable { private logger; private userFields; private options; /** * @ignore */ constructor(options: DefaultUserFields.Options); /** * Get user fields. */ getFields(): UserFields; /** * Initialize asynchronous components. */ protected init(): Promise; } export declare namespace DefaultUserFields { /** * Used to initialize default values for fields based on a templateUser user. This user will be part of the * Standard User profile. */ interface Options { templateUser: string; newUserName?: string; } } /** * A class for creating a User, generating a password for a user, and assigning a user to one or more permission sets. * See methods for examples. */ export declare class User extends AsyncCreatable { /** * Generate default password for a user. Returns An encrypted buffer containing a utf8 encoded password. */ static generatePasswordUtf8(): SecureBuffer; private org; private logger; /** * @ignore */ constructor(options: User.Options); /** * Initialize a new instance of a user and return it. */ init(): Promise; /** * Assigns a password to a user. For a user to have the ability to assign their own password, the org needs the * following org preference: SelfSetPasswordInApi. * @param info The AuthInfo object for user to assign the password to. * @param password [throwWhenRemoveFails = User.generatePasswordUtf8()] A SecureBuffer containing the new password. */ assignPassword(info: AuthInfo, password?: SecureBuffer): Promise<{}>; /** * Methods to assign one or more permission set names to a user. * @param id The Salesforce id of the user to assign the permission set to. * @param permsetNames An array of permission set names. * * ``` * const username = ''; * const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username }) * }); * const org = await Org.create({ connection }); * const user: User = await User.create({ org }); * const fields: UserFields = await user.retrieve(username); * await user.assignPermissionSets(, ['sfdx', 'approver']); * ``` */ assignPermissionSets(id: string, permsetNames: string[]): Promise; /** * Method for creating a new User. * * By default scratch orgs only allow creating 2 additional users. Work with Salesforce Customer Service to increase * user limits. * * The Org Preferences required to increase the number of users are: * Standard User Licenses * Salesforce CRM Content User * * @param fields The required fields for creating a user. * * ``` * const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: '' }) * }); * const org = await Org.create({ connection }); * * const defaultUserFields = await DefaultUserFields.create({ templateUser: '' }); * const user: User = await User.create({ org }); * const info: AuthInfo = await user.createUser(defaultUserFields.getFields()); * ``` */ createUser(fields: UserFields): Promise; /** * Method to retrieve the UserFields for a user. * @param username The username of the user. * * ``` * const username = ''; * const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username }) * }); * const org = await Org.create({ connection }); * const user: User = await User.create({ org }); * const fields: UserFields = await user.retrieve(username); * ``` */ retrieve(username: string): Promise; /** * Helper method that verifies the server's User object is available and if so allows persisting the Auth information. * @param newUserAuthInfo The AuthInfo for the new user. */ private describeUserAndSave; /** * Helper that makes a REST request to create the user, and update additional required fields. * @param fields The configuration the new user should have. */ private createUserInternal; /** * Update the remaining required fields for the user. * @param fields The fields for the user. */ private updateRequiredUserFields; } export declare namespace User { /** * Used to initialize default values for fields based on a templateUser user. This user will be part of the * Standard User profile. */ interface Options { org: Org; } }