import { Writable } from 'stream'; /** * A Bunyan `Serializer` function. * @param input The input to be serialized. * **See** {@link|Bunyan Serializers API} */ export declare type Serializer = (input: any) => any; /** * A collection of named `Serializer`s. * * **See** {@link|Bunyan Serializers API} */ export interface Serializers { [key: string]: Serializer; } /** * The common set of `Logger` options. */ export interface LoggerOptions { /** * The logger name. */ name: string; /** * The logger's serializers. */ serializers?: Serializers; /** * Whether or not to log source file, line, and function information. */ src?: boolean; /** * The desired log level. */ level?: LoggerLevelValue; /** * A stream to write to. */ stream?: Writable; /** * An array of streams to write to. */ streams?: LoggerStream[]; } /** * Standard `Logger` levels. * * **See** {@link|Bunyan Levels} */ export declare enum LoggerLevel { TRACE = 10, DEBUG = 20, INFO = 30, WARN = 40, ERROR = 50, FATAL = 60 } /** * A Bunyan stream configuration. * * @see {@link|Bunyan Streams} */ export interface LoggerStream { /** * The type of stream -- may be inferred from other properties. */ type?: string; /** * The desired log level for the stream. */ level?: LoggerLevelValue; /** * The stream to write to. Mutually exclusive with `path`. */ stream?: Writable; /** * The name of the stream. */ name?: string; /** * A log file path to write to. Mutually exclusive with `stream`. */ path?: string; [key: string]: any; } /** * Any numeric `Logger` level. */ export declare type LoggerLevelValue = LoggerLevel | number; /** * A collection of named `FieldValue`s. * * **See** {@link|Bunyan Log Record Fields} */ export interface Fields { [key: string]: FieldValue; } /** * All possible field value types. */ export declare type FieldValue = string | number | boolean; /** * Log line interface */ export interface LogLine { name: string; hostname: string; pid: string; log: string; level: number; msg: string; time: string; v: number; } /** * A logging abstraction powered by {@link|Bunyan} that provides both a default * logger configuration that will log to `sfdx.log`, and a way to create custom loggers based on the same foundation. * * ``` * // Gets the root sfdx logger * const logger = await Logger.root(); * * // Creates a child logger of the root sfdx logger with custom fields applied * const childLogger = await Logger.child('myRootChild', {tag: 'value'}); * * // Creates a custom logger unaffiliated with the root logger * const myCustomLogger = new Logger('myCustomLogger'); * * // Creates a child of a custom logger unaffiliated with the root logger with custom fields applied * const myCustomChildLogger = myCustomLogger.child('myCustomChild', {tag: 'value'}); * ``` * **See** * * **See** */ export declare class Logger { /** * The name of the root sfdx `Logger`. */ static readonly ROOT_NAME = "sfdx"; /** * The default `LoggerLevel` when constructing new `Logger` instances. */ static readonly DEFAULT_LEVEL = LoggerLevel.WARN; /** * A list of all lower case `LoggerLevel` names. * * **See** {@link LoggerLevel} */ static readonly LEVEL_NAMES: string[]; /** * Gets the root logger with the default level and file stream. */ static root(): Promise; /** * Destroys the root `Logger`. * * @ignore */ static destroyRoot(): void; /** * Create a child of the root logger, inheriting this instance's configuration such as `level`, `streams`, etc. * * @param name The name of the child logger. * @param fields Additional fields included in all log lines. */ static child(name: string, fields?: Fields): Promise; /** * Gets a numeric `LoggerLevel` value by string name. * * @param {string} levelName The level name to convert to a `LoggerLevel` enum value. * * **Throws** *{@link SfdxError}{ name: 'UnrecognizedLoggerLevelName' }* The level name was not case-insensitively recognized as a valid `LoggerLevel` value. * @see {@Link LoggerLevel} */ static getLevelByName(levelName: string): LoggerLevelValue; private static readonly lifecycle; private static rootLogger?; private bunyan; /** * Constructs a new `Logger`. * * @param optionsOrName A set of `LoggerOptions` or name to use with the default options. * * **Throws** *{@link SfdxError}{ name: 'RedundantRootLogger' }* More than one attempt is made to construct the root * `Logger`. */ constructor(optionsOrName: LoggerOptions | string); /** * Adds a stream. * * @param stream The stream configuration to add. * @param defaultLevel The default level of the stream. */ addStream(stream: LoggerStream, defaultLevel?: LoggerLevelValue): void; /** * Adds a file stream to this logger. Resolved or rejected upon completion of the addition. * * @param logFile The path to the log file. If it doesn't exist it will be created. */ addLogFileStream(logFile: string): Promise; /** * Gets the name of this logger. */ getName(): string; /** * Gets the current level of this logger. */ getLevel(): LoggerLevelValue; /** * Set the logging level of all streams for this logger. If a specific `level` is not provided, this method will * attempt to read it from the environment variable `SFDX_LOG_LEVEL`, and if not found, * {@link Logger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL} will be used instead. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param {LoggerLevelValue} [level] The logger level. * * **Throws** *{@link SfdxError}{ name: 'UnrecognizedLoggerLevelName' }* A value of `level` read from `SFDX_LOG_LEVEL` * was invalid. * * ``` * // Sets the level from the environment or default value * logger.setLevel() * * // Set the level from the INFO enum * logger.setLevel(LoggerLevel.INFO) * * // Sets the level case-insensitively from a string value * logger.setLevel(Logger.getLevelByName('info')) * ``` */ setLevel(level?: LoggerLevelValue): Logger; /** * Gets the underlying Bunyan logger. */ getBunyanLogger(): any; /** * Compares the requested log level with the current log level. Returns true if * the requested log level is greater than or equal to the current log level. * * @param level The requested log level to compare against the currently set log level. */ shouldLog(level: LoggerLevelValue): boolean; /** * Use in-memory logging for this logger instance instead of any parent streams. Useful for testing. * For convenience this object is returned. * * **WARNING: This cannot be undone for this logger instance.** */ useMemoryLogging(): Logger; /** * Gets an array of log line objects. Each element is an object that corresponds to a log line. */ getBufferedRecords(): LogLine[]; /** * Reads a text blob of all the log lines contained in memory or the log file. */ readLogContentsAsText(): string; /** * Adds a filter to be applied to all logged messages. * * @param filter A function with signature `(...args: any[]) => any[]` that transforms log message arguments. */ addFilter(filter: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown): void; /** * Close the logger, including any streams, and remove all listeners. * * @param fn A function with signature `(stream: LoggerStream) => void` to call for each stream with * the stream as an arg. */ close(fn?: (stream: LoggerStream) => void): void; /** * Create a child logger, typically to add a few log record fields. For convenience this object is returned. * * @param name The name of the child logger that is emitted w/ log line as `log:`. * @param fields Additional fields included in all log lines for the child logger. */ child(name: string, fields?: Fields): Logger; /** * Add a field to all log lines for this logger. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param name The name of the field to add. * @param value The value of the field to be logged. */ addField(name: string, value: FieldValue): Logger; /** * Logs at `trace` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ trace(...args: any[]): Logger; /** * Logs at `debug` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ debug(...args: unknown[]): Logger; /** * Logs at `debug` level with filtering applied. * * @param cb A callback that returns on array objects to be logged. */ debugCallback(cb: () => unknown[] | string): void; /** * Logs at `info` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ info(...args: unknown[]): Logger; /** * Logs at `warn` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ warn(...args: unknown[]): Logger; /** * Logs at `error` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ error(...args: unknown[]): Logger; /** * Logs at `fatal` level with filtering applied. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * @param args Any number of arguments to be logged. */ fatal(...args: unknown[]): Logger; private applyFilters; private uncaughtExceptionHandler; private exitHandler; }