import { JsonMap, Optional } from '@salesforce/ts-types'; /** * Converts an 18 character Salesforce ID to 15 characters. * * @param id The id to convert. */ export declare function trimTo15(id: string): string; export declare function trimTo15(id?: undefined): undefined; export declare function trimTo15(id: string | undefined): string | undefined; /** * Tests whether an API version matches the format `i.0`. * * @param value The API version as a string. */ export declare const validateApiVersion: (value: string) => boolean; /** * Tests whether an email matches the format `` * * @param value The email as a string. */ export declare const validateEmail: (value: string) => boolean; /** * Tests whether a given url is an internal Salesforce domain * * @param url */ export declare const isInternalUrl: (url: string) => boolean; /** * Tests whether a Salesforce ID is in the correct format, a 15- or 18-character length string with only letters and numbers * * @param value The ID as a string. */ export declare const validateSalesforceId: (value: string) => boolean; /** * Tests whether a path is in the correct format; the value doesn't include the characters "[", "]", "?", "<", ">", "?", "|" * * @param value The path as a string. */ export declare const validatePathDoesNotContainInvalidChars: (value: string) => boolean; /** * Returns the first key within the object that has an upper case first letter. * * @param data The object in which to check key casing. * @param sectionBlocklist properties in the object to exclude from the search. e.g. a blocklist of `["a"]` and data of `{ "a": { "B" : "b"}}` would ignore `B` because it is in the object value under `a`. */ export declare const findUpperCaseKeys: (data?: JsonMap, sectionBlocklist?: string[]) => Optional; /** * Tests whether a given string is an access token * * @param value */ export declare const matchesAccessToken: (value: string) => boolean; /** @deprecated import the individual functions instead of the whole object */ export declare const sfdc: { trimTo15: typeof trimTo15; validateApiVersion: (value: string) => boolean; validateEmail: (value: string) => boolean; isInternalUrl: (url: string) => boolean; matchesAccessToken: (value: string) => boolean; validateSalesforceId: (value: string) => boolean; validatePathDoesNotContainInvalidChars: (value: string) => boolean; findUpperCaseKeys: (data?: JsonMap, sectionBlocklist?: string[]) => Optional; };