import { AsyncOptionalCreatable, Duration } from '@salesforce/kit'; import { AnyJson, JsonMap, Nullable } from '@salesforce/ts-types'; import { ConfigAggregator } from '../config/configAggregator'; import { OrgUsersConfig } from '../config/orgUsersConfig'; import { Connection } from './connection'; import { AuthFields, AuthInfo } from './authInfo'; import { ScratchOrgCreateOptions, ScratchOrgCreateResult } from './scratchOrgCreate'; export type OrganizationInformation = { Name: string; InstanceName: string; IsSandbox: boolean; TrialExpirationDate: string | null; NamespacePrefix: string | null; }; export declare enum OrgTypes { Scratch = "scratch", Sandbox = "sandbox" } export type StatusEvent = { sandboxProcessObj: SandboxProcessObject; interval: number; remainingWait: number; waitingOnAuth: boolean; }; export type ResultEvent = { sandboxProcessObj: SandboxProcessObject; sandboxRes: SandboxUserAuthResponse; }; export type SandboxUserAuthRequest = { sandboxName: string; clientId: string; callbackUrl: string; }; export declare enum SandboxEvents { EVENT_STATUS = "status", EVENT_ASYNC_RESULT = "asyncResult", EVENT_RESULT = "result", EVENT_AUTH = "auth", EVENT_RESUME = "resume", EVENT_MULTIPLE_SBX_PROCESSES = "multipleMatchingSbxProcesses" } export type SandboxUserAuthResponse = { authUserName: string; authCode: string; instanceUrl: string; loginUrl: string; }; export declare function sandboxIsResumable(value: string): boolean; export type SandboxProcessObject = { Id: string; Status: string; SandboxName: string; SandboxInfoId: string; LicenseType: string; CreatedDate: string; SandboxOrganization?: string; CopyProgress?: number; SourceId?: string; Description?: string; ApexClassId?: string; EndDate?: string; }; export type SandboxRequest = { SandboxName: string; LicenseType?: string; /** Should match a SandboxInfoId, not a SandboxProcessId */ SourceId?: string; Description?: string; }; export type ResumeSandboxRequest = { SandboxName?: string; SandboxProcessObjId?: string; }; export type SandboxInfo = { Id: string; IsDeleted: boolean; CreatedDate: string; CreatedById: string; LastModifiedDate: string; LastModifiedById: string; SandboxName: string; LicenseType: 'DEVELOPER' | 'DEVELOPER PRO' | 'PARTIAL' | 'FULL'; TemplateId?: string; HistoryDays: -1 | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | 90 | 120 | 150 | 180; CopyChatter: boolean; AutoActivate: boolean; ApexClassId?: string; Description?: string; SourceId?: string; CopyArchivedActivities?: boolean; }; export type ScratchOrgRequest = Omit; export type SandboxFields = { sandboxOrgId: string; prodOrgUsername: string; sandboxName?: string; sandboxUsername?: string; sandboxProcessId?: string; sandboxInfoId?: string; timestamp?: string; }; /** * Provides a way to manage a locally authenticated Org. * * **See** {@link AuthInfo} * * **See** {@link Connection} * * **See** {@link Aliases} * * **See** {@link Config} * * ``` * // Email username * const org1: Org = await Org.create({ aliasOrUsername: '' }); * // The target-org config property * const org2: Org = await Org.create(); * // Full Connection * const org3: Org = await Org.create({ * connection: await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: 'username' }) * }) * }); * ``` * * **See** */ export declare class Org extends AsyncOptionalCreatable { private status; private configAggregator; private logger; private connection; private options; private orgId?; /** * @ignore */ constructor(options?: Org.Options); /** * create a sandbox from a production org * 'this' needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available * * @param sandboxReq SandboxRequest options to create the sandbox with * @param options Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling */ createSandbox(sandboxReq: SandboxRequest, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean; }): Promise; /** * Refresh (update) a sandbox from a production org. * 'this' needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available * * @param sandboxInfo SandboxInfo to update the sandbox with * @param options Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling */ refreshSandbox(sandboxInfo: SandboxInfo, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean; }): Promise; /** * * @param sandboxReq SandboxRequest options to create the sandbox with * @param sourceSandboxName the name of the sandbox that your new sandbox will be based on * @param options Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, defaults to 0, Interval: The time interval between polling defaults to 30 seconds * @returns {SandboxProcessObject} the newly created sandbox process object */ cloneSandbox(sandboxReq: SandboxRequest, sourceSandboxName: string, options: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; }): Promise; /** * Resume a sandbox create or refresh from a production org. * `this` needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available. * * @param resumeSandboxRequest SandboxRequest options to create/refresh the sandbox with * @param options Wait: The amount of time to wait (default: 0 minutes) before timing out, * Interval: The time interval (default: 30 seconds) between polling */ resumeSandbox(resumeSandboxRequest: ResumeSandboxRequest, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean; }): Promise; /** * Creates a scratchOrg * 'this' needs to be a valid dev-hub * * @param {options} ScratchOrgCreateOptions * @returns {ScratchOrgCreateResult} */ scratchOrgCreate(options: ScratchOrgRequest): Promise; /** * Reports sandbox org creation status. If the org is ready, authenticates to the org. * * @param {sandboxname} string the sandbox name * @param options Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling * @returns {SandboxProcessObject} the sandbox process object */ sandboxStatus(sandboxname: string, options: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; }): Promise; /** * Clean all data files in the org's data path. Usually /.sfdx/orgs/. * * @param orgDataPath A relative path other than "orgs/". * @param throwWhenRemoveFails Should the remove org operations throw an error on failure? */ cleanLocalOrgData(orgDataPath?: string, throwWhenRemoveFails?: boolean): Promise; /** * @ignore */ retrieveOrgUsersConfig(): Promise; /** * Cleans up all org related artifacts including users, sandbox config (if a sandbox), source tracking files, and auth file. * * @param throwWhenRemoveFails Determines if the call should throw an error or fail silently. */ remove(throwWhenRemoveFails?: boolean): Promise; /** * Check if org is a sandbox org by checking its SandboxOrgConfig. * */ isSandbox(): Promise; /** * Check that this org is a scratch org by asking the dev hub if it knows about it. * * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'NotADevHubError' }* Not a Dev Hub. * * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'NoResultsError' }* No results. * * @param devHubUsernameOrAlias The username or alias of the dev hub org. */ checkScratchOrg(devHubUsernameOrAlias?: string): Promise>; /** * Returns the Org object or null if this org is not affiliated with a Dev Hub (according to the local config). */ getDevHubOrg(): Promise; /** * Returns `true` if the org is a Dev Hub. * * **Note** This relies on a cached value in the auth file. If that property * is not cached, this method will **always return false even if the org is a * dev hub**. If you need accuracy, use the {@link Org.determineIfDevHubOrg} method. */ isDevHubOrg(): boolean; /** * Will delete 'this' instance remotely and any files locally * * @param controllingOrg username or Org that 'this.devhub' or 'this.production' refers to. AKA a DevHub for a scratch org, or a Production Org for a sandbox */ deleteFrom(controllingOrg: string | Org): Promise; /** * Will delete 'this' instance remotely and any files locally */ delete(): Promise; /** * Returns `true` if the org is a Dev Hub. * * Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check access to the * ScratchOrgInfo object to determine if the org is a dev hub. * * @param forceServerCheck Ignore the cached value and go straight to the server * which will be required if the org flips on the dev hub after the value is already * cached locally. */ determineIfDevHubOrg(forceServerCheck?: boolean): Promise; /** * Returns `true` if the org is a scratch org. * * **Note** This relies on a cached value in the auth file. If that property * is not cached, this method will **always return false even if the org is a * scratch org**. If you need accuracy, use the {@link Org.determineIfScratch} method. */ isScratch(): boolean; /** * Returns `true` if the org uses source tracking. * Side effect: updates files where the property doesn't currently exist */ tracksSource(): Promise; /** * Set the tracking property on the org's auth file * * @param value true or false (whether the org should use source tracking or not) */ setTracksSource(value: boolean): Promise; /** * Returns `true` if the org is a scratch org. * * Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check * `Organization.IsSandbox == true && Organization.TrialExpirationDate != null` * using {@link Org.retrieveOrganizationInformation}. */ determineIfScratch(): Promise; /** * Returns `true` if the org is a sandbox. * * Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check * `Organization.IsSandbox == true && Organization.TrialExpirationDate == null` * using {@link Org.retrieveOrganizationInformation}. */ determineIfSandbox(): Promise; /** * Retrieve a handful of fields from the Organization table in Salesforce. If this does not have the * data you need, just use {@link Connection.singleRecordQuery} with `SELECT FROM Organization`. * * @returns org information */ retrieveOrganizationInformation(): Promise; /** * Some organization information is locally cached, such as if the org name or if it is a scratch org. * This method populates/updates the filesystem from information retrieved from the org. */ updateLocalInformation(): Promise | undefined>; /** * Refreshes the auth for this org's instance by calling HTTP GET on the baseUrl of the connection object. */ refreshAuth(): Promise; /** * Reads and returns the content of all user auth files for this org as an array. */ readUserAuthFiles(): Promise; /** * Adds a username to the user config for this org. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * ``` * const org: Org = await Org.create({ * connection: await Connection.create({ * authInfo: await AuthInfo.create('') * }) * }); * const userAuth: AuthInfo = await AuthInfo.create({ * username: '' * }); * await org.addUsername(userAuth); * ``` * * @param {AuthInfo | string} auth The AuthInfo for the username to add. */ addUsername(auth: AuthInfo | string): Promise; /** * Removes a username from the user config for this object. For convenience `this` object is returned. * * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'MissingAuthInfoError' }* Auth info is missing. * * @param {AuthInfo | string} auth The AuthInfo containing the username to remove. */ removeUsername(auth: AuthInfo | string): Promise; /** * set the sandbox config related to this given org * * @param orgId {string} orgId of the sandbox * @param config {SandboxFields} config of the sandbox */ setSandboxConfig(orgId: string, config: SandboxFields): Promise; /** * get the sandbox config for the given orgId * * @param orgId {string} orgId of the sandbox */ getSandboxConfig(orgId: string): Promise>; /** * Retrieves the highest api version that is supported by the target server instance. If the apiVersion configured for * Sfdx is greater than the one returned in this call an api version mismatch occurs. In the case of the CLI that * results in a warning. */ retrieveMaxApiVersion(): Promise; /** * Returns the admin username used to create the org. */ getUsername(): string | undefined; /** * Returns the orgId for this org. */ getOrgId(): string; /** * Returns for the config aggregator. */ getConfigAggregator(): ConfigAggregator; /** * Returns an org field. Returns undefined if the field is not set or invalid. */ getField(key: Org.Fields): T; /** * Returns a map of requested fields. */ getFields(keys: Org.Fields[]): JsonMap; /** * Returns the JSForce connection for the org. * side effect: If you pass it an apiVersion, it will set it on the Org * so that future calls to getConnection() will also use that version. * * @param apiVersion The API version to use for the connection. */ getConnection(apiVersion?: string): Connection; supportsSourceTracking(): Promise; /** * query SandboxProcess via sandbox name * * @param name SandboxName to query for */ querySandboxProcessBySandboxName(name: string): Promise; /** * query SandboxProcess via SandboxInfoId * * @param id SandboxInfoId to query for */ querySandboxProcessBySandboxInfoId(id: string): Promise; /** * query SandboxProcess via Id * * @param id SandboxProcessId to query for */ querySandboxProcessById(id: string): Promise; /** * query SandboxProcess via SandboxOrganization (sandbox Org ID) * * @param sandboxOrgId SandboxOrganization ID to query for */ querySandboxProcessByOrgId(sandboxOrgId: string): Promise; /** * Initialize async components. */ protected init(): Promise; /** * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'NotSupportedError' }* Throws an unsupported error. */ protected getDefaultOptions(): Org.Options; private getLocalDataDir; /** * Gets the sandboxProcessObject and then polls for it to complete. * * @param sandboxProcessName sanbox process name * @param options { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration } * @returns {SandboxProcessObject} The SandboxProcessObject for the sandbox */ private authWithRetriesByName; /** * Polls the sandbox org for the sandboxProcessObject. * * @param sandboxProcessObj: The in-progress sandbox signup request * @param options { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration } * @returns {SandboxProcessObject} */ private authWithRetries; /** * Query the sandbox for the SandboxProcessObject by sandbox name * * @param sandboxName The name of the sandbox to query * @returns {SandboxProcessObject} The SandboxProcessObject for the sandbox */ private queryLatestSandboxProcessBySandboxName; private queryProduction; private destroySandbox; private destroyScratchOrg; /** * this method will delete the sandbox org from the production org and clean up any local files * * @param prodOrg - Production org associated with this sandbox * @private */ private deleteSandbox; /** * If this Org is a scratch org, calling this method will delete the scratch org from the DevHub and clean up any local files * * @param devHub - optional DevHub Org of the to-be-deleted scratch org * @private */ private deleteScratchOrg; /** * Delete an auth info file from the local file system and any related cache information for * this Org. You don't want to call this method directly. Instead consider calling Org.remove() */ private removeAuth; /** * Deletes the users config file */ private removeUsersConfig; private manageDelete; /** * Remove the org users auth file. * * @param throwWhenRemoveFails true if manageDelete should throw or not if the deleted fails. */ private removeUsers; private removeSandboxConfig; private writeSandboxAuthFile; private pollStatusAndAuth; /** * query SandboxProcess using supplied where clause * * @param where clause to query for * @private */ private querySandboxProcess; /** * determines if the sandbox has successfully been created * * @param sandboxProcessObj sandbox signup progress * @private */ private sandboxSignupComplete; private validateWaitOptions; /** * removes source tracking files hosted in the project/.sf/orgs// * * @private */ private removeSourceTrackingFiles; } export declare namespace Org { /** * Constructor Options for and Org. */ type Options = { aliasOrUsername?: string; connection?: Connection; aggregator?: ConfigAggregator; isDevHub?: boolean; }; /** * Scratch Org status. */ enum Status { /** * The scratch org is active. */ ACTIVE = "ACTIVE", /** * The scratch org has expired. */ EXPIRED = "EXPIRED", /** * The org is a scratch Org but no dev hub is indicated. */ UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN", /** * The dev hub configuration is reporting an active Scratch org but the AuthInfo cannot be found. */ MISSING = "MISSING" } /** * Org Fields. */ enum Fields { /** * The org alias. */ ALIAS = "alias", CREATED = "created", NAME = "name", NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "namespacePrefix", INSTANCE_NAME = "instanceName", TRIAL_EXPIRATION_DATE = "trailExpirationDate", /** * The Salesforce instance the org was created on. e.g. `cs42`. */ CREATED_ORG_INSTANCE = "createdOrgInstance", /** * The username of the dev hub org that created this org. Only populated for scratch orgs. */ DEV_HUB_USERNAME = "devHubUsername", /** * The full url of the instance the org lives on. */ INSTANCE_URL = "instanceUrl", /** * Is the current org a dev hub org. e.g. They have access to the `ScratchOrgInfo` object. */ IS_DEV_HUB = "isDevHub", /** * Is the current org a scratch org. e.g. Organization has IsSandbox == true and TrialExpirationDate != null. */ IS_SCRATCH = "isScratch", /** * Is the current org a sandbox (not a scratch org on a non-prod instance), but an actual Sandbox org). e.g. Organization has IsSandbox == true and TrialExpirationDate == null. */ IS_SANDBOX = "isSandbox", /** * The login url of the org. e.g. `` or ``. */ LOGIN_URL = "loginUrl", /** * The org ID. */ ORG_ID = "orgId", /** * The `OrgStatus` of the org. */ STATUS = "status", /** * The snapshot used to create the scratch org. */ SNAPSHOT = "snapshot", /** * true: the org supports and wants source tracking * false: the org opted out of tracking or can't support it */ TRACKS_SOURCE = "tracksSource" } }