var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var node_diff3_exports = {}; __export(node_diff3_exports, { LCS: () => LCS, TimeoutError: () => TimeoutError, diff3Merge: () => diff3Merge, diff3MergeRegions: () => diff3MergeRegions, diffComm: () => diffComm, diffIndices: () => diffIndices, diffPatch: () => diffPatch, invertPatch: () => invertPatch, merge: () => merge, mergeDiff3: () => mergeDiff3, mergeDigIn: () => mergeDigIn, patch: () => patch, stripPatch: () => stripPatch }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(node_diff3_exports); class TimeoutError extends Error { constructor() { super("timeout reached"); } } function getAssertTimeout(timeout) { if (typeof timeout === "number") { const endTime = + timeout; return () => { if ( > endTime) { throw new TimeoutError(); } }; } if (typeof timeout === "function") { return timeout; } return () => { }; } function LCS(buffer1, buffer2, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); let equivalenceClasses = {}; for (let j = 0; j < buffer2.length; j++) { const item = buffer2[j]; if (equivalenceClasses[item]) { equivalenceClasses[item].push(j); } else { equivalenceClasses[item] = [j]; } } const NULLRESULT = { buffer1index: -1, buffer2index: -1, chain: null }; let candidates = [NULLRESULT]; for (let i = 0; i < buffer1.length; i++) { assertTimeout(); const item = buffer1[i]; const buffer2indices = equivalenceClasses[item] || []; let r = 0; let c = candidates[0]; for (let jx = 0; jx < buffer2indices.length; jx++) { assertTimeout(); const j = buffer2indices[jx]; let s; for (s = r; s < candidates.length; s++) { if (candidates[s].buffer2index < j && (s === candidates.length - 1 || candidates[s + 1].buffer2index > j)) { break; } } if (s < candidates.length) { const newCandidate = { buffer1index: i, buffer2index: j, chain: candidates[s] }; if (r === candidates.length) { candidates.push(c); } else { candidates[r] = c; } r = s + 1; c = newCandidate; if (r === candidates.length) { break; } } } candidates[r] = c; } return candidates[candidates.length - 1]; } function diffComm(buffer1, buffer2, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const lcs = LCS(buffer1, buffer2, assertTimeout); let result = []; let tail1 = buffer1.length; let tail2 = buffer2.length; let common = { common: [] }; function processCommon() { if (common.common.length) { common.common.reverse(); result.push(common); common = { common: [] }; } } for (let candidate = lcs; candidate !== null; candidate = candidate.chain) { assertTimeout(); let different = { buffer1: [], buffer2: [] }; while (--tail1 > candidate.buffer1index) { different.buffer1.push(buffer1[tail1]); } while (--tail2 > candidate.buffer2index) { different.buffer2.push(buffer2[tail2]); } if (different.buffer1.length || different.buffer2.length) { processCommon(); different.buffer1.reverse(); different.buffer2.reverse(); result.push(different); } if (tail1 >= 0) { common.common.push(buffer1[tail1]); } } processCommon(); result.reverse(); return result; } function diffIndices(buffer1, buffer2, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const lcs = LCS(buffer1, buffer2, assertTimeout); let result = []; let tail1 = buffer1.length; let tail2 = buffer2.length; for (let candidate = lcs; candidate !== null; candidate = candidate.chain) { assertTimeout(); const mismatchLength1 = tail1 - candidate.buffer1index - 1; const mismatchLength2 = tail2 - candidate.buffer2index - 1; tail1 = candidate.buffer1index; tail2 = candidate.buffer2index; if (mismatchLength1 || mismatchLength2) { result.push({ buffer1: [tail1 + 1, mismatchLength1], buffer1Content: buffer1.slice(tail1 + 1, tail1 + 1 + mismatchLength1), buffer2: [tail2 + 1, mismatchLength2], buffer2Content: buffer2.slice(tail2 + 1, tail2 + 1 + mismatchLength2) }); } } result.reverse(); return result; } function diffPatch(buffer1, buffer2, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const lcs = LCS(buffer1, buffer2, assertTimeout); let result = []; let tail1 = buffer1.length; let tail2 = buffer2.length; function chunkDescription(buffer, offset, length) { let chunk = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { chunk.push(buffer[offset + i]); } return { offset, length, chunk }; } for (let candidate = lcs; candidate !== null; candidate = candidate.chain) { assertTimeout(); const mismatchLength1 = tail1 - candidate.buffer1index - 1; const mismatchLength2 = tail2 - candidate.buffer2index - 1; tail1 = candidate.buffer1index; tail2 = candidate.buffer2index; if (mismatchLength1 || mismatchLength2) { result.push({ buffer1: chunkDescription(buffer1, candidate.buffer1index + 1, mismatchLength1), buffer2: chunkDescription(buffer2, candidate.buffer2index + 1, mismatchLength2) }); } } result.reverse(); return result; } function diff3MergeRegions(a, o, b, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); let hunks = []; function addHunk(h, ab) { hunks.push({ ab, oStart: h.buffer1[0], oLength: h.buffer1[1], // length of o to remove abStart: h.buffer2[0], abLength: h.buffer2[1] // length of a/b to insert // abContent: (ab === 'a' ? a : b).slice(h.buffer2[0], h.buffer2[0] + h.buffer2[1]) }); } diffIndices(o, a, assertTimeout).forEach((item) => addHunk(item, "a")); diffIndices(o, b, assertTimeout).forEach((item) => addHunk(item, "b")); hunks.sort((x, y) => x.oStart - y.oStart); let results = []; let currOffset = 0; function advanceTo(endOffset) { if (endOffset > currOffset) { results.push({ stable: true, buffer: "o", bufferStart: currOffset, bufferLength: endOffset - currOffset, bufferContent: o.slice(currOffset, endOffset) }); currOffset = endOffset; } } while (hunks.length) { assertTimeout(); let hunk = hunks.shift(); let regionStart = hunk.oStart; let regionEnd = hunk.oStart + hunk.oLength; let regionHunks = [hunk]; advanceTo(regionStart); while (hunks.length) { assertTimeout(); const nextHunk = hunks[0]; const nextHunkStart = nextHunk.oStart; if (nextHunkStart > regionEnd) break; regionEnd = Math.max(regionEnd, nextHunkStart + nextHunk.oLength); regionHunks.push(hunks.shift()); } if (regionHunks.length === 1) { if (hunk.abLength > 0) { const buffer = hunk.ab === "a" ? a : b; results.push({ stable: true, buffer: hunk.ab, bufferStart: hunk.abStart, bufferLength: hunk.abLength, bufferContent: buffer.slice(hunk.abStart, hunk.abStart + hunk.abLength) }); } } else { let bounds = { a: [a.length, -1, o.length, -1], b: [b.length, -1, o.length, -1] }; while (regionHunks.length) { assertTimeout(); hunk = regionHunks.shift(); const oStart = hunk.oStart; const oEnd = oStart + hunk.oLength; const abStart = hunk.abStart; const abEnd = abStart + hunk.abLength; let b2 = bounds[hunk.ab]; b2[0] = Math.min(abStart, b2[0]); b2[1] = Math.max(abEnd, b2[1]); b2[2] = Math.min(oStart, b2[2]); b2[3] = Math.max(oEnd, b2[3]); } const aStart = bounds.a[0] + (regionStart - bounds.a[2]); const aEnd = bounds.a[1] + (regionEnd - bounds.a[3]); const bStart = bounds.b[0] + (regionStart - bounds.b[2]); const bEnd = bounds.b[1] + (regionEnd - bounds.b[3]); let result = { stable: false, aStart, aLength: aEnd - aStart, aContent: a.slice(aStart, aEnd), oStart: regionStart, oLength: regionEnd - regionStart, oContent: o.slice(regionStart, regionEnd), bStart, bLength: bEnd - bStart, bContent: b.slice(bStart, bEnd) }; results.push(result); } currOffset = regionEnd; } advanceTo(o.length); return results; } function diff3Merge(a, o, b, options, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); let defaults = { excludeFalseConflicts: true, stringSeparator: /\s+/ }; options = Object.assign(defaults, options); if (typeof a === "string") a = a.split(options.stringSeparator); if (typeof o === "string") o = o.split(options.stringSeparator); if (typeof b === "string") b = b.split(options.stringSeparator); let results = []; const regions = diff3MergeRegions(a, o, b, assertTimeout); let okBuffer = []; function flushOk() { if (okBuffer.length) { results.push({ ok: okBuffer }); } okBuffer = []; } function isFalseConflict(a2, b2) { if (a2.length !== b2.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a2.length; i++) { if (a2[i] !== b2[i]) return false; } return true; } regions.forEach((region) => { assertTimeout(); if (region.stable) { okBuffer.push(...region.bufferContent); } else { if (options.excludeFalseConflicts && isFalseConflict(region.aContent, region.bContent)) { okBuffer.push(...region.aContent); } else { flushOk(); results.push({ conflict: { a: region.aContent, aIndex: region.aStart, o: region.oContent, oIndex: region.oStart, b: region.bContent, bIndex: region.bStart } }); } } }); flushOk(); return results; } function mergeDiff3(a, o, b, options, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const defaults = { excludeFalseConflicts: true, stringSeparator: /\s+/, label: {} }; options = Object.assign(defaults, options); const aSection = "<<<<<<<" + (options.label.a ? ` ${options.label.a}` : ""); const oSection = "|||||||" + (options.label.o ? ` ${options.label.o}` : ""); const xSection = "======="; const bSection = ">>>>>>>" + (options.label.b ? ` ${options.label.b}` : ""); const regions = diff3Merge(a, o, b, options, assertTimeout); let conflict = false; let result = []; regions.forEach((region) => { assertTimeout(); if (region.ok) { result = result.concat(region.ok); } else if (region.conflict) { conflict = true; result = result.concat( [aSection], region.conflict.a, [oSection], region.conflict.o, [xSection], region.conflict.b, [bSection] ); } }); return { conflict, result }; } function merge(a, o, b, options, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const defaults = { excludeFalseConflicts: true, stringSeparator: /\s+/, label: {} }; options = Object.assign(defaults, options); const aSection = "<<<<<<<" + (options.label.a ? ` ${options.label.a}` : ""); const xSection = "======="; const bSection = ">>>>>>>" + (options.label.b ? ` ${options.label.b}` : ""); const regions = diff3Merge(a, o, b, options, assertTimeout); let conflict = false; let result = []; regions.forEach((region) => { assertTimeout(); if (region.ok) { result = result.concat(region.ok); } else if (region.conflict) { conflict = true; result = result.concat( [aSection], region.conflict.a, [xSection], region.conflict.b, [bSection] ); } }); return { conflict, result }; } function mergeDigIn(a, o, b, options, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); const defaults = { excludeFalseConflicts: true, stringSeparator: /\s+/, label: {} }; options = Object.assign(defaults, options); const aSection = "<<<<<<<" + (options.label.a ? ` ${options.label.a}` : ""); const xSection = "======="; const bSection = ">>>>>>>" + (options.label.b ? ` ${options.label.b}` : ""); const regions = diff3Merge(a, o, b, options, assertTimeout); let conflict = false; let result = []; regions.forEach((region) => { assertTimeout(); if (region.ok) { result = result.concat(region.ok); } else { const c = diffComm(region.conflict.a, region.conflict.b, assertTimeout); for (let j = 0; j < c.length; j++) { assertTimeout(); let inner = c[j]; if (inner.common) { result = result.concat(inner.common); } else { conflict = true; result = result.concat( [aSection], inner.buffer1, [xSection], inner.buffer2, [bSection] ); } } } }); return { conflict, result }; } function patch(buffer, patch2, timeout) { const assertTimeout = getAssertTimeout(timeout); let result = []; let currOffset = 0; function advanceTo(targetOffset) { while (currOffset < targetOffset) { result.push(buffer[currOffset]); currOffset++; } } for (let chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < patch2.length; chunkIndex++) { assertTimeout(); let chunk = patch2[chunkIndex]; advanceTo(chunk.buffer1.offset); for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < chunk.buffer2.chunk.length; itemIndex++) { result.push(chunk.buffer2.chunk[itemIndex]); } currOffset += chunk.buffer1.length; } advanceTo(buffer.length); return result; } function stripPatch(patch2) { return => ({ buffer1: { offset: chunk.buffer1.offset, length: chunk.buffer1.length }, buffer2: { chunk: chunk.buffer2.chunk } })); } function invertPatch(patch2) { return => ({ buffer1: chunk.buffer2, buffer2: chunk.buffer1 })); } // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { LCS, TimeoutError, diff3Merge, diff3MergeRegions, diffComm, diffIndices, diffPatch, invertPatch, merge, mergeDiff3, mergeDigIn, patch, stripPatch }); //#