import {Any} from '@sanity/client' import {ClientPerspective} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMap} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapDocument} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapDocumentBase} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapDocuments} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapDocumentValueSource} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapLiteralSource} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapMapping} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapMappings} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapPaths} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapRemoteDocument} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapSource} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapUnknownSource} from '@sanity/client' import {ContentSourceMapValueMapping} from '@sanity/client' import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/client' export {Any} /** * Optimistically applies source documents to a result, using the content source map to trace fields. * Can be used to apply mutations to documents being edited in a Studio, or any mutation on Content Lake, to a result with extremely low latency. * @alpha */ export declare function applySourceDocuments( result: Result, resultSourceMap: ContentSourceMap | undefined, getCachedDocument: ( sourceDocument: ContentSourceMapDocuments[number], ) => Partial | null | undefined, updateFn?: ApplySourceDocumentsUpdateFunction, perspective?: ClientPerspective, ): Result /** * @alpha */ export declare type ApplySourceDocumentsUpdateFunction = ( changedValue: T, context: { cachedDocument: Partial previousValue: T sourceDocument: ContentSourceMapDocuments[number] sourcePath: ContentSourceMapParsedPath }, ) => T export {ClientPerspective} export {ContentSourceMap} export {ContentSourceMapDocument} export {ContentSourceMapDocumentBase} export {ContentSourceMapDocuments} export {ContentSourceMapDocumentValueSource} export {ContentSourceMapLiteralSource} export {ContentSourceMapMapping} export {ContentSourceMapMappings} /** @alpha */ export declare type ContentSourceMapParsedPath = ( | string | number | ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment )[] /** @alpha */ export declare type ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment = { _key: string _index: number } /** * @alpha * @deprecated use `ContentSourceMapParsedPath[number]` instead */ export declare type ContentSourceMapParsedPathSegment = ContentSourceMapParsedPath[number] export {ContentSourceMapPaths} export {ContentSourceMapRemoteDocument} export {ContentSourceMapSource} export {ContentSourceMapUnknownSource} export {ContentSourceMapValueMapping} /** @internal */ export declare function createEditUrl( options: CreateEditUrlOptions, ): `${StudioBaseUrl}${EditIntentUrl}` /** @internal */ export declare interface CreateEditUrlOptions { baseUrl: string workspace?: string tool?: string id: string type: string path: ContentSourceMapParsedPath | string projectId?: string dataset?: string } /** @alpha */ export declare type EditIntentUrl = `/intent/edit/mode=presentation;id=${string};type=${string};path=${string}` /** @alpha */ declare function fromString(path: string): Path /** @internal */ declare function get( obj: unknown, path: Path | string, defaultVal?: Fallback, ): Result | typeof defaultVal /** @internal */ export declare function getPublishedId(id: string): string /** @alpha */ export declare type IndexTuple = [number | '', number | ''] /** @internal */ declare function isIndexSegment(segment: PathSegment): segment is number /** @internal */ declare function isIndexTuple(segment: PathSegment): segment is IndexTuple /** @internal */ declare function isKeySegment(segment: PathSegment): segment is KeyedSegment /** * @internal */ export declare function jsonPath(path: ContentSourceMapParsedPath): ContentSourceMapPaths[number] /** * @internal */ export declare function jsonPathToStudioPath(path: ContentSourceMapParsedPath): Path /** @alpha */ export declare type KeyedSegment = { _key: string } /** * @internal */ export declare function parseJsonPath( path: ContentSourceMapPaths[number], ): ContentSourceMapParsedPath /** @alpha */ export declare type Path = PathSegment[] /** @alpha */ export declare type PathSegment = string | number | KeyedSegment | IndexTuple /** @internal */ declare const reKeySegment: RegExp /** * @internal */ export declare function resolvedKeyedSourcePath(options: { keyedResultPath: ContentSourceMapParsedPath pathSuffix?: string sourceBasePath: string }): ContentSourceMapParsedPath /** @internal */ export declare function resolveEditInfo( options: ResolveEditInfoOptions, ): CreateEditUrlOptions | undefined /** @alpha */ export declare interface ResolveEditInfoOptions { studioUrl: StudioUrl | ResolveStudioUrl resultSourceMap: ContentSourceMap resultPath: ContentSourceMapParsedPath } /** @alpha */ export declare function resolveEditUrl( options: ResolveEditUrlOptions, ): ReturnType | undefined /** @alpha */ export declare interface ResolveEditUrlOptions extends Omit { resultPath: StudioPathLike } /** * @internal */ export declare function resolveMapping( resultPath: ContentSourceMapParsedPath, csm?: ContentSourceMap, ): | { mapping: ContentSourceMapMapping matchedPath: string pathSuffix: string } | undefined /** @alpha */ export declare type ResolveStudioUrl = ( sourceDocument: ContentSourceMapDocuments[number], ) => StudioUrl export {SanityDocument} /** @alpha */ export declare type StudioBaseRoute = { baseUrl: StudioBaseUrl workspace?: string tool?: string } /** @alpha */ export declare type StudioBaseUrl = | `/${string}` | `${string}` | `https://${string}` | string declare namespace studioPath { export { isIndexSegment, isKeySegment, isIndexTuple, get, toString_2 as toString, fromString, KeyedSegment, IndexTuple, PathSegment, Path, reKeySegment, } } export {studioPath} /** * Path syntax as used by the `sanity` package, you can give it a string: * `products[0].images[_key=="abc123"].asset._ref` * or an array: * `['products', 0, 'images', {_key: 'abc123'}, 'asset', '_ref']` * @alpha */ export declare type StudioPathLike = Path | string /** * @internal */ export declare function studioPathToJsonPath(path: Path | string): ContentSourceMapParsedPath /** @alpha */ export declare type StudioUrl = StudioBaseUrl | StudioBaseRoute /** @alpha */ declare function toString_2(path: Path): string /** * generic way to walk a nested object or array and apply a mapping function to each value * @internal */ export declare function walkMap( value: unknown, mappingFn: WalkMapFn, path?: ContentSourceMapParsedPath, ): unknown /** * @internal */ export declare type WalkMapFn = (value: unknown, path: ContentSourceMapParsedPath) => unknown export {}