import {SchemaType} from './parts/Schema' import {client} from './parts/Client' import {SortItem} from './Sort' import {EditorBuilder} from './Editor' import {SerializeError, HELP_URL} from './SerializeError' import {SerializeOptions, Child} from './StructureNodes' import {ChildResolver, ChildResolverOptions, ItemChild} from './ChildResolver' import { GenericListBuilder, BuildableGenericList, GenericList, GenericListInput } from './GenericList' const resolveTypeForDocument = (id: string): Promise => { const query = '*[_id in [$documentId, $draftId]]._type' const documentId = id.replace(/^drafts\./, '') const draftId = `drafts.${documentId}` return client.fetch(query, {documentId, draftId}).then(types => types[0]) } const validateFilter = (spec: PartialDocumentList, options: SerializeOptions) => { const filter = spec.options!.filter.trim() if (['*', '{'].includes(filter[0])) { throw new SerializeError( `\`filter\` cannot start with \`${ filter[0] }\` - looks like you are providing a query, not a filter`, options.path,, spec.title ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.QUERY_PROVIDED_FOR_FILTER) } return filter } const resolveEditorChildForItem: ChildResolver = ( itemId: string, options: ChildResolverOptions ): ItemChild | Promise | undefined => { const parentItem = options.parent as DocumentList return Promise.resolve(parentItem.schemaTypeName || resolveTypeForDocument(itemId)).then(type => new EditorBuilder() .id('editor') .documentId(itemId) .schemaType(type || '') ) } export interface PartialDocumentList extends BuildableGenericList { options?: DocumentListOptions schemaTypeName?: string } export interface DocumentListInput extends GenericListInput { options: DocumentListOptions } export interface DocumentList extends GenericList { options: DocumentListOptions child: Child schemaTypeName?: string } interface DocumentListOptions { filter: string params?: {[key: string]: any} defaultOrdering?: SortItem[] } export class DocumentListBuilder extends GenericListBuilder< PartialDocumentList, DocumentListBuilder > { protected spec: PartialDocumentList constructor(spec?: DocumentListInput) { super() this.spec = spec ? spec : {} } filter(filter: string): DocumentListBuilder { return this.clone({options: {...(this.spec.options || {}), filter}}) } getFilter() { return this.spec.options && this.spec.options.filter } schemaType(type: SchemaType | string): DocumentListBuilder { return this.clone({schemaTypeName: typeof type === 'string' ? type :}) } getSchemaType() { return this.spec.schemaTypeName } params(params: {}): DocumentListBuilder { return this.clone({options: {...(this.spec.options || {filter: ''}), params}}) } getParams() { return this.spec.options && this.spec.options.params } defaultOrdering(ordering: SortItem[]): DocumentListBuilder { if (!Array.isArray(ordering)) { throw new Error('`defaultOrdering` must be an array of order clauses') } return this.clone({ options: {...(this.spec.options || {filter: ''}), defaultOrdering: ordering} }) } getDefaultOrdering() { return this.spec.options && this.spec.options.defaultOrdering } serialize(options: SerializeOptions = {path: []}): DocumentList { if (typeof !== 'string' || ! { throw new SerializeError( '`id` is required for document lists', options.path, options.index, this.spec.title ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.ID_REQUIRED) } if (!this.spec.options || !this.spec.options.filter) { throw new SerializeError( '`filter` is required for document lists', options.path,, this.spec.title ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.FILTER_REQUIRED) } return { ...super.serialize(options), type: 'documentList', schemaTypeName: this.spec.schemaTypeName, child: this.spec.child || resolveEditorChildForItem, options: { ...this.spec.options, filter: validateFilter(this.spec, options) } } } clone(withSpec?: PartialDocumentList): DocumentListBuilder { const builder = new DocumentListBuilder() builder.spec = {...this.spec, ...(withSpec || {})} return builder } }