import {camelCase} from 'lodash' import {SerializeOptions, Serializable, Collection, CollectionBuilder} from './StructureNodes' import {defaultSchema, SchemaType} from './parts/Schema' import {ChildResolver} from './ChildResolver' import {DocumentListBuilder} from './DocumentList' import {SerializeError, HELP_URL} from './SerializeError' import {Partial} from './Partial' import {ListBuilder} from './List' import {EditorBuilder} from './Editor' import {ComponentBuilder} from './Component' type UnserializedListItemChild = Collection | CollectionBuilder | ChildResolver type ListItemChild = Collection | ChildResolver | undefined interface ListItemSerializeOptions extends SerializeOptions { titleIsOptional?: boolean } interface ListItemDisplayOptions { showIcon?: boolean } export interface ListItemInput { id: string title?: string icon?: Function child?: ListItemChild displayOptions?: ListItemDisplayOptions schemaType?: SchemaType | string } export interface ListItem { id: string type: string title?: string icon?: Function child?: ListItemChild displayOptions?: ListItemDisplayOptions schemaType?: SchemaType } export interface UnserializedListItem { id: string title: string icon?: Function child?: UnserializedListItemChild displayOptions?: ListItemDisplayOptions schemaType?: SchemaType | string } type PartialListItem = Partial export class ListItemBuilder implements Serializable { protected spec: PartialListItem constructor(spec?: ListItemInput) { this.spec = spec ? spec : {} } id(id: string) { return this.clone({id}) } getId() { return } title(title: string) { return this.clone({title, id: || camelCase(title)}) } getTitle() { return this.spec.title } icon(icon: Function): ListItemBuilder { return this.clone({icon}) } showIcon(enabled: boolean) { return this.clone({ displayOptions: {...(this.spec.displayOptions || {}), showIcon: enabled} }) } getShowIcon() { return this.spec.displayOptions ? this.spec.displayOptions.showIcon : undefined } getIcon() { return this.spec.icon } child(child: UnserializedListItemChild): ListItemBuilder { return this.clone({child}) } getChild() { return this.spec.child } schemaType(schemaType: SchemaType | string): ListItemBuilder { return this.clone({schemaType}) } getSchemaType() { return this.spec.schemaType } serialize(options: ListItemSerializeOptions = {path: []}): ListItem { const {id, title, child} = this.spec if (typeof id !== 'string' || !id) { throw new SerializeError( '`id` is required for list items', options.path, options.index ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.ID_REQUIRED) } if (!options.titleIsOptional && (typeof title !== 'string' || !title)) { throw new SerializeError('`title` is required for list items', options.path, id).withHelpUrl( HELP_URL.TITLE_REQUIRED ) } let schemaType = this.spec.schemaType if (typeof schemaType === 'string') { const type: SchemaType = defaultSchema.get(schemaType) if (!type) { throw new SerializeError( `Could not find type "${schemaType}" in schema`, options.path, id ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.SCHEMA_TYPE_NOT_FOUND) } schemaType = type } const serializeOptions = {path: options.path.concat(id), hint: 'child'} let listChild = child instanceof ComponentBuilder || child instanceof DocumentListBuilder || child instanceof ListBuilder || child instanceof EditorBuilder ? child.serialize(serializeOptions) : child // In the case of a function, create a bound version that will pass the correct serialize // context, so we may lazily resolve it at some point in the future without losing context if (typeof listChild === 'function') { const originalChild = listChild listChild = (itemId, options) => { return originalChild(itemId, {...options, serializeOptions}) } } return {...this.spec, schemaType, child: listChild, id, title, type: 'listItem'} } clone(withSpec?: PartialListItem): ListItemBuilder { const builder = new ListItemBuilder() builder.spec = {...this.spec, ...(withSpec || {})} return builder } }