import {getExtendedProjection} from './util/getExtendedProjection' import {SchemaType, defaultSchema} from './parts/Schema' import {getSortIcon} from './parts/Icon' import {Intent} from './Intent' import {Partial} from './Partial' import {SortItem, Ordering, DEFAULT_ORDERING_OPTIONS} from './Sort' import {SerializeOptions, Serializable, SerializePath} from './StructureNodes' import {SerializeError, HELP_URL} from './SerializeError' const SortIcon = getSortIcon() export function maybeSerializeMenuItem( item: MenuItem | MenuItemBuilder, index: number, path: SerializePath ): MenuItem { return item instanceof MenuItemBuilder ? item.serialize({path, index}) : item } type ShowAsAction = { whenCollapsed: boolean } export interface MenuItem { title: string action?: string | Function intent?: Intent group?: string icon?: Function params?: object showAsAction?: boolean | ShowAsAction } export type PartialMenuItem = Partial export class MenuItemBuilder implements Serializable { protected spec: PartialMenuItem constructor(spec?: MenuItem) { this.spec = spec ? spec : {} } action(action: string | Function): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({action}) } getAction() { return this.spec.action } intent(intent: Intent): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({intent}) } getIntent() { return this.spec.intent } title(title: string): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({title}) } getTitle() { return this.spec.title } group(group: string): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({group}) } getGroup() { return } icon(icon: Function): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({icon}) } getIcon() { return this.spec.icon } params(params: object): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({params}) } getParams() { return this.spec.params } showAsAction(showAsAction: boolean | ShowAsAction): MenuItemBuilder { return this.clone({showAsAction}) } getShowAsAction() { return this.spec.showAsAction } serialize(options: SerializeOptions = {path: []}): MenuItem { const {title, action, intent} = this.spec if (!title) { const hint = typeof action === 'string' ? `action: "${action}"` : undefined throw new SerializeError( '`title` is required for menu item', options.path, options.index, hint ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.TITLE_REQUIRED) } if (!action && !intent) { throw new SerializeError( `\`action\` or \`intent\` required for menu item with title ${this.spec.title}`, options.path, options.index, `"${title}"` ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.ACTION_OR_INTENT_REQUIRED) } if (intent && action) { throw new SerializeError( 'cannot set both `action` AND `intent`', options.path, options.index, `"${title}"` ).withHelpUrl(HELP_URL.ACTION_AND_INTENT_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE) } return {...this.spec, title} } clone(withSpec?: PartialMenuItem): MenuItemBuilder { const builder = new MenuItemBuilder() builder.spec = {...this.spec, ...(withSpec || {})} return builder } } export interface SortMenuItem extends MenuItem { params: { by: SortItem[] } } export function getOrderingMenuItem(ordering: Ordering, extendedProjection?: string) { return new MenuItemBuilder() .group('sorting') .title(`Sort by ${ordering.title}`) .icon(SortIcon) .action('setSortOrder') .params({by:, extendedProjection}) } export function getOrderingMenuItemsForSchemaType(typeName: SchemaType | string) { const type = typeof typeName === 'string' ? defaultSchema.get(typeName) : typeName return (type.orderings ? type.orderings.concat(DEFAULT_ORDERING_OPTIONS) : DEFAULT_ORDERING_OPTIONS ).map((ordering: Ordering) => getOrderingMenuItem(ordering, getExtendedProjection(type, ) }