import type { Constructable, Entity } from './entity'; /** * Type to describe possible inputs for `.fromJson`. * This is based on the JSON type of an entity and allows all properties to be optional recursively. * It also allows setting unknown properties, which will be treated as custom fields. * @typeparam JsonT - JSON type of the entity */ declare type FromJsonType = { [key: string]: any; } & { [P in keyof JsonT]?: JsonT[P] extends (infer U)[] ? U extends Record ? FromJsonType[] : JsonT[P] : JsonT[P] extends Record | null | undefined ? FromJsonType | null | undefined : JsonT[P]; }; /** * @hidden */ export declare class EntityBuilder { private _entityConstructor; protected entity: EntityT; constructor(_entityConstructor: Constructable); /** * Sets the custom fields for the entity. * @param customFields - The custom fields you want to add. * @returns The entity builder itself for method chaining */ withCustomFields(customFields: Record): this; /** * Builds the entity. * @returns The entity. */ build(): EntityT; /** * Builds an entity from JSON representation. * If you have obtained the JSON as a request payload use the [[deserializeEntity]] methods. * Note that fields not mappable to a field in the target entity are silently ignored. * @param json - Representation of the entity in JSON format. * @returns Entity constructed from JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: FromJsonType): EntityT; private filterCustomFields; } export {}; //#