/** * @deprecated Since v1.32.2. Use functions from `@sap-cloud-sdk/util` instead. * Converts a string to the format used by static properties. Use this for serialization. * @param str - The string to be transformed. * @returns The transformed string. */ export declare function toStaticPropertyFormat(str: string): string; /** * @deprecated Since v1.32.2. Use functions from `@sap-cloud-sdk/util` instead. * Converts a string to the format used by properties. Use this for serialization. * @param str - The string to be transformed. * @returns The transformed string. */ export declare function toPropertyFormat(str: string): string; /** * @deprecated Since v1.32.2. Use functions from `@sap-cloud-sdk/util` instead. * Converts a string to PascalCase format e.g. "MyNameInPascalCase". * @param str - The string to be transformed. * @returns The transformed string. */ export declare function toPascalCase(str: string): string; /** * @deprecated Since v1.32.2. Use functions from `@sap-cloud-sdk/util` instead. * Converts a string to a human readable format, e.g. it transforms `to_BusinessPartner` to `To Business Partner`. Use this for serialization. * @param str - The string to be transformed. * @returns The transformed string. */ export declare function toTitleFormat(str: string): string; /** * @deprecated Since v1.32.2. Use functions from `@sap-cloud-sdk/util` instead. * Converts a string to the format used by properties. Use this for serialization. * @param str - The string to be transformed. * @returns The transformed string. */ export declare function toTypeNameFormat(str: string): string; //# sourceMappingURL=name-converter.d.ts.map