import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import moment from 'moment'; import { Time, EdmTypeShared } from '../odata-common'; import { EdmType } from './edm-types'; /** * @hidden */ export declare function edmToTs(value: any, edmType: EdmTypeShared<'v2'>): EdmToPrimitive; /** * @hidden */ export declare function tsToEdm(value: any, edmType: EdmTypeShared<'v2'>): any; /** * @hidden * This function can be used for both Edm.DateTime and and Edm.DateTimeOffset. */ export declare function edmDateTimeToMoment(edmDateTime: string): moment.Moment; /** * @hidden * This function can be used for both Edm.DateTime and and Edm.DateTimeOffset. */ export declare function momentToEdmDateTime(momentInstance: moment.Moment): string; export declare type EdmToPrimitive = T extends 'Edm.Int16' | 'Edm.Int32' | 'Edm.Single' | 'Edm.Double' | 'Edm.Float' | 'Edm.Byte' | 'Edm.SByte' ? number : T extends 'Edm.Decimal' | 'Edm.Int64' ? BigNumber : T extends 'Edm.DateTime' | 'Edm.DateTimeOffset' ? moment.Moment : T extends 'Edm.String' | 'Edm.Guid' ? string : T extends 'Edm.Boolean' ? boolean : T extends 'Edm.Time' ? Time : any; export { EdmToPrimitive as EdmToPrimitiveV2, edmToTs as edmToTsV2, tsToEdm as tsToEdmV2 }; //#