import { Constructable, Entity, EntityIdentifiable } from '../entity'; import { Link } from '../selectable'; import type { Filterable } from './filterable'; /** * Data structure to represent filter on properties of a navigation property (link). * In OData v2 filtering for navigation properties is ONLY supported for properties with a one-to-one cardinality ([[OneToOneLink]]). * * Example: * In the following filter statement `Entity.requestBuilder().filter(Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(`, * `Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(` is a `FilterLink`. * * In OData v4 filtering is also possible on one-to-many links. See [[OneToManyLink]]. * @typeparam EntityT - Type of the entity to be filtered. * @typeparam LinkedEntityT - Type of the linked entity which is used in the filter. */ export declare class FilterLink implements EntityIdentifiable { link: Link; filters: Filterable[]; /** * Constructor type of the entity to be filtered. */ readonly _entityConstructor: Constructable; /** * Entity type of the entity tp be filtered. */ readonly _entity: EntityT; /** * Linked entity to be filtered by. */ readonly _linkedEntityType: LinkedEntityT; /** * Creates an instance of `FilterLink`. * @param link - Linked entity to be used in the filter. * @param filters - List of filterables for the linked entity. */ constructor(link: Link, filters: Filterable[]); } export declare function isFilterLink(filterable: Filterable): filterable is FilterLink; //#