import { Field, StringFilterFunction, BooleanFilterFunction } from '../odata-common'; import { Entity } from './entity'; /** * Build a filter function to test whether a string is a substring of the other. Evaluates to boolean. * @param substr - The substring to test for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function. * @param str - The string to test. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function. * * @returns The newly created filter function */ export declare function substringOf(substr: string | Field | StringFilterFunction, str: string | Field | StringFilterFunction): BooleanFilterFunction; /** * Build a filter function to replace the occurrence of a search string with another string. Evaluates to string. * @param str - The string to get the index from. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function. * @param searchStr - The substring to get the index for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function. * @param replaceStr - The substring to get the index for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function. * * @returns The newly created filter function */ export declare function replace(str: string | Field | StringFilterFunction, searchStr: string | Field | StringFilterFunction, replaceStr: string | Field | StringFilterFunction): StringFilterFunction; /** * @hidden * Export length filter function for backwards compatibility. */ export declare const length: typeof import("../odata-common").length; /** * @hidden * Export substring filter function for backwards compatibility. */ export declare const substring: typeof import("../odata-common").substring; /** * OData v2 specific filter functions */ export declare const filterFunctions: { substringOf: typeof substringOf; replace: typeof replace; endsWith: typeof import("../odata-common").endsWith; startsWith: typeof import("../odata-common").startsWith; length: typeof import("../odata-common").length; indexOf: typeof import("../odata-common").indexOf; substring: typeof import("../odata-common").substring; toLower: typeof import("../odata-common").toLower; toUpper: typeof import("../odata-common").toUpper; trim: typeof import("../odata-common").trim; concat: typeof import("../odata-common").concat; round: typeof import("../odata-common").round; floor: typeof import("../odata-common").floor; ceiling: typeof import("../odata-common").ceiling; day: typeof import("../odata-common").day; hour: typeof import("../odata-common").hour; minute: typeof import("../odata-common").minute; month: typeof import("../odata-common").month; second: typeof import("../odata-common").second; year: typeof import("../odata-common").year; isOf: typeof import("../odata-common").isOf; }; export { filterFunctions as filterFunctionsV2 }; //#