import { Destination, DestinationNameAndJwt, DestinationOptions } from '../connectivity/scp-cf'; import { BatchResponse } from '../odata-common'; import { BatchRequestBuilder } from '../odata-common/request-builder/batch/batch-request-builder'; /** * Create a batch request to invoke multiple requests as a batch. The batch request builder accepts retrieve requests, i. e. [[GetAllRequestBuilder | getAll]] and [[GetByKeyRequestBuilder | getByKey]] requests and change sets, which in turn can contain [[CreateRequestBuilder | create]], [[UpdateRequestBuilder | update]] or [[DeleteRequestBuilder | delete]] requests. * The retrieve and change sets will be executed in order, while the order within a change set can vary. */ export declare class ODataBatchRequestBuilder extends BatchRequestBuilder { /** * Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful. * @param destination - Targeted destination on which the request is performed. * @param options - Options to employ when fetching destinations. * @returns Promise resolving to the requested data. */ execute(destination: Destination | DestinationNameAndJwt, options?: DestinationOptions): Promise; } export { ODataBatchRequestBuilder as ODataBatchRequestBuilderV4 }; //#