import type { Destination } from './destination-service-types'; import type { DestinationOptions } from './destination-accessor'; /** * Get all destinations from the environment variable "destinations". * This is discouraged for productive use! Use [[useOrFetchDestination]] for fetching destinations from the Cloud Foundry destination service. * * @returns A list of destinations */ export declare function getDestinationsFromEnv(): Destination[]; /** * @deprecated Since v1.4.2. Use [[getDestinationsFromEnv]] instead. * * Get all destinations from the environment variable "destinations". * This is discouraged for productive use! Use destination-accessor/useOrFetchDestination for fetching destinations * from the Cloud Foundry destination service. * * @returns A list of destinations */ export declare function getDestinations(): Destination[]; /** * Get a destination from the environment variables by name. If there are multiple destinations with the same name the first one will be used. * This is discouraged for productive use! Use destination-accessor/useOrFetchDestination for fetching destinations * from the Cloud Foundry destination service. * @param name - Name of the destination * @returns The requested destination if existent, otherwise `null` */ export declare function getDestinationFromEnvByName(name: string): Destination | null; /** * @deprecated Since v1.4.2. Use [[getDestinationFromEnvByName]] instead. * * Get a destination from the environment variables by name. Throws an error if there are multiple destinations with the same name. * This is discouraged for productive use! Use destination-accessor/useOrFetchDestination for fetching destinations * from the Cloud Foundry destination service. * @param name - Name of the destination * @returns The requested destination if existent, otherwise `null` */ export declare function getDestinationByName(name: string): Destination | null; /** * @hidden */ export declare function getDestinationConfig(dest?: string | Destination): Destination | null; /** * @hidden */ export declare function getDestinationsEnvVariable(): string | undefined; /** * @hidden */ export declare function searchEnvVariablesForDestination(name: string, options?: DestinationOptions): Destination | undefined; //#