import { CompilerContext } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler"; import { InlineSelection, Typename, Maybe, List as ListType } from "./intermediates"; import { Fragments, ExtendedSelection, ExtendedFieldType, ExtendedFields, ByTypename, ExtendedField, extendedSelectionsAreEqual } from "./extendedIntermediates"; import { Map, List, Set } from "immutable"; type NormalizableSelections = ByTypename>; const normalizableSelectionsFromExtendedFieldType = ( type: ExtendedFieldType ): NormalizableSelections => { switch (type.kind) { case "InlineSelection": return NormalizableSelections(type); case "Maybe": return normalizableSelectionsFromExtendedFieldType(type.ofType); case "List": return normalizableSelectionsFromExtendedFieldType(type.ofType); default: return Map(); } }; const selectTypename = (__typename: string) => (field: ExtendedField) => field.type.kind == "Typename" ? { type: Typename(Set([__typename])), optional: field.optional } : field; const NormalizableSelections = ( selection: ExtendedSelection ): NormalizableSelections => selection.fields.reduce( (normalizedSelections, fields, __typename) => fields.reduce( (normalizedSelections, field) => normalizedSelections.mergeDeep( normalizableSelectionsFromExtendedFieldType(field.type) ), isNormalizable(fields) ? normalizedSelections.mergeDeep( Map({ [__typename]: List([]) }) ) : normalizedSelections ), Map() ); const normalizeFieldType = (type: ExtendedFieldType): ExtendedFieldType => { switch (type.kind) { case "InlineSelection": return normalizeSelection(type); case "Maybe": return Maybe(normalizeFieldType(type.ofType)); case "List": return ListType(normalizeFieldType(type.ofType)); default: return type; } }; const normalizeField = ({ type, optional }: ExtendedField): ExtendedField => ({ type: normalizeFieldType(type), optional }); const normalizeSelection = ( selection: ExtendedSelection ): ExtendedSelection => ({ kind: "InlineSelection", fields: fields => isNormalizable(fields) ? fields.filter( (_, fieldName) => fieldName == "__typename" || fieldName == "id" ) : ) }); const returnIfEqual = ( __typename: string, fieldName: string, lhs: ExtendedFieldType, rhs: ExtendedFieldType ): ExtendedFieldType => { const differentKindsError = Error( `${lhs.kind} is not the same as ${rhs.kind}` ); switch (lhs.kind) { case "Typename": if (rhs.kind != "Typename") { throw differentKindsError; } if (!lhs.possibleTypes.equals(rhs.possibleTypes)) { throw Error( `${lhs.possibleTypes} are not the same as ${rhs.possibleTypes}` ); } return rhs; case "Enum": if (rhs.kind != "Enum") { throw differentKindsError; } if ( != { throw Error(`${} is different than ${}`); } if (lhs.values != rhs.values) { throw Error( `Possible values ${lhs.values} are not the same as ${rhs.values}` ); } return rhs; case "Scalar": if (rhs.kind != "Scalar") { throw differentKindsError; } if ( != { throw Error(`Types ${} and ${} are not the same`); } return rhs; case "InlineSelection": if (rhs.kind != "InlineSelection") { throw differentKindsError; } if (!extendedSelectionsAreEqual(lhs, rhs)) { throw Error( `${__typename} can't be normalized because it has conflicting definitions for "${fieldName}" that could lead to runtime bugs. Either alias the field name or make the selections the same.` ); } return rhs; case "List": if (rhs.kind != "List") { throw differentKindsError; } return ListType( returnIfEqual(__typename, fieldName, lhs.ofType, rhs.ofType) ); case "Maybe": if (rhs.kind != "Maybe") { throw differentKindsError; } return Maybe( returnIfEqual(__typename, fieldName, lhs.ofType, rhs.ofType) ); } }; const mergeExtendedSelections = ( lhs: ExtendedSelection, rhs: ExtendedSelection ): ExtendedSelection => { return { kind: "InlineSelection", fields: lhs.fields.mergeWith( (lhs, rhs, __typename) => mergeFields(__typename)(lhs, rhs), rhs.fields ) }; }; const isNormalizable = (fields: ExtendedFields) => fields.has("__typename") && fields.has("id"); const mergeField = (__typename: string) => ( lhs: ExtendedField, rhs: ExtendedField, fieldName: string ): ExtendedField => ({ type: lhs.type.kind == "InlineSelection" && rhs.type.kind == "InlineSelection" && !lhs.type.fields.some(isNormalizable) && !rhs.type.fields.some(isNormalizable) ? mergeExtendedSelections(lhs.type, rhs.type) : returnIfEqual(__typename, fieldName, lhs.type, rhs.type), optional: lhs.optional || rhs.optional }); const mergeFields = (__typename: string) => ( lhs: ExtendedFields, rhs: ExtendedFields ): ExtendedFields => { const intersection = Set(lhs.keySeq()).intersect(Set(rhs.keySeq())); return lhs .mergeWith(mergeField(__typename), rhs) .map( (field, fieldName) => !intersection.contains(fieldName) ? { type: field.type, optional: true } : field ); }; export const normalizedTypes = (context: CompilerContext) => { const fragments: Fragments = Object.values(context.fragments).reduce( (fragments, fragment) => ({ ...fragments, [fragment.fragmentName]: InlineSelection(fragment.selectionSet) }), {} ); const extendedSelections = Object.values(context.operations).map(operation => ExtendedSelection(InlineSelection(operation.selectionSet), fragments) ); const normalizableSelections = extendedSelections.reduce( (normalizedSelections, extendedSelection) => normalizedSelections.mergeDeep(NormalizableSelections(extendedSelection)), Map() as NormalizableSelections ); return, __typename) => fields.reduce(mergeFields(__typename)).map(normalizeField) ); };