import type { Client, Integration, IntegrationClass } from '@sentry/types'; export declare const browserProfilingIntegration: () => import("@sentry/types").IntegrationFnResult; /** * Browser profiling integration. Stores any event that has contexts["profile"]["profile_id"] * This exists because we do not want to await async profiler.stop calls as transaction.finish is called * in a synchronous context. Instead, we handle sending the profile async from the promise callback and * rely on being able to pull the event from the cache when we need to construct the envelope. This makes the * integration less reliable as we might be dropping profiles when the cache is full. * * @experimental * @deprecated Use `browserProfilingIntegration()` instead. */ export declare const BrowserProfilingIntegration: IntegrationClass void; }>; export type BrowserProfilingIntegration = typeof BrowserProfilingIntegration; //#