import type { DsnLike, Mechanism, WrappedFunction } from '@sentry/types'; export declare const WINDOW: import("@sentry/utils").InternalGlobal & Window; /** * @hidden */ export declare function shouldIgnoreOnError(): boolean; /** * @hidden */ export declare function ignoreNextOnError(): void; /** * Instruments the given function and sends an event to Sentry every time the * function throws an exception. * * @param fn A function to wrap. It is generally safe to pass an unbound function, because the returned wrapper always * has a correct `this` context. * @returns The wrapped function. * @hidden */ export declare function wrap(fn: WrappedFunction, options?: { mechanism?: Mechanism; }, before?: WrappedFunction): any; /** * All properties the report dialog supports */ export interface ReportDialogOptions { [key: string]: any; eventId?: string; dsn?: DsnLike; user?: { email?: string; name?: string; }; lang?: string; title?: string; subtitle?: string; subtitle2?: string; labelName?: string; labelEmail?: string; labelComments?: string; labelClose?: string; labelSubmit?: string; errorGeneric?: string; errorFormEntry?: string; successMessage?: string; /** Callback after reportDialog showed up */ onLoad?(this: void): void; } //#