import type { Attachment, Breadcrumb, CaptureContext, Client, Context, Contexts, Event, EventHint, EventProcessor, Extra, Extras, Primitive, PropagationContext, RequestSession, Scope as ScopeInterface, ScopeData, Session, SeverityLevel, User } from '@sentry/types'; /** * Holds additional event information. */ declare class ScopeClass implements ScopeInterface { /** Flag if notifying is happening. */ protected _notifyingListeners: boolean; /** Callback for client to receive scope changes. */ protected _scopeListeners: Array<(scope: Scope) => void>; /** Callback list that will be called during event processing. */ protected _eventProcessors: EventProcessor[]; /** Array of breadcrumbs. */ protected _breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[]; /** User */ protected _user: User; /** Tags */ protected _tags: { [key: string]: Primitive; }; /** Extra */ protected _extra: Extras; /** Contexts */ protected _contexts: Contexts; /** Attachments */ protected _attachments: Attachment[]; /** Propagation Context for distributed tracing */ protected _propagationContext: PropagationContext; /** * A place to stash data which is needed at some point in the SDK's event processing pipeline but which shouldn't get * sent to Sentry */ protected _sdkProcessingMetadata: { [key: string]: unknown; }; /** Fingerprint */ protected _fingerprint?: string[]; /** Severity */ protected _level?: SeverityLevel; /** * Transaction Name * * IMPORTANT: The transaction name on the scope has nothing to do with root spans/transaction objects. * It's purpose is to assign a transaction to the scope that's added to non-transaction events. */ protected _transactionName?: string; /** Session */ protected _session?: Session; /** Request Mode Session Status */ protected _requestSession?: RequestSession; /** The client on this scope */ protected _client?: Client; /** Contains the last event id of a captured event. */ protected _lastEventId?: string; constructor(); /** * @inheritDoc */ clone(): ScopeClass; /** * @inheritDoc */ setClient(client: Client | undefined): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ setLastEventId(lastEventId: string | undefined): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ getClient(): C | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ lastEventId(): string | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ addScopeListener(callback: (scope: Scope) => void): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ addEventProcessor(callback: EventProcessor): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setUser(user: User | null): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ getUser(): User | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ getRequestSession(): RequestSession | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ setRequestSession(requestSession?: RequestSession): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setTags(tags: { [key: string]: Primitive; }): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setTag(key: string, value: Primitive): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setExtras(extras: Extras): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setExtra(key: string, extra: Extra): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setFingerprint(fingerprint: string[]): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setLevel(level: SeverityLevel): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setTransactionName(name?: string): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setContext(key: string, context: Context | null): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setSession(session?: Session): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ getSession(): Session | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ update(captureContext?: CaptureContext): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ clear(): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs?: number): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ getLastBreadcrumb(): Breadcrumb | undefined; /** * @inheritDoc */ clearBreadcrumbs(): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ addAttachment(attachment: Attachment): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ clearAttachments(): this; /** @inheritDoc */ getScopeData(): ScopeData; /** * @inheritDoc */ setSDKProcessingMetadata(newData: { [key: string]: unknown; }): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ setPropagationContext(context: PropagationContext): this; /** * @inheritDoc */ getPropagationContext(): PropagationContext; /** * @inheritDoc */ captureException(exception: unknown, hint?: EventHint): string; /** * @inheritDoc */ captureMessage(message: string, level?: SeverityLevel, hint?: EventHint): string; /** * @inheritDoc */ captureEvent(event: Event, hint?: EventHint): string; /** * This will be called on every set call. */ protected _notifyScopeListeners(): void; } /** * Holds additional event information. */ export declare const Scope: typeof ScopeClass; /** * Holds additional event information. */ export type Scope = ScopeInterface; export {}; //#