import type { SentrySpanArguments, Span, SpanAttributeValue, SpanAttributes, SpanContextData, SpanStatus, SpanTimeInput } from '@sentry/types'; /** * A Sentry Span that is non-recording, meaning it will not be sent to Sentry. */ export declare class SentryNonRecordingSpan implements Span { private _traceId; private _spanId; constructor(spanContext?: SentrySpanArguments); /** @inheritdoc */ spanContext(): SpanContextData; /** @inheritdoc */ end(_timestamp?: SpanTimeInput): void; /** @inheritdoc */ setAttribute(_key: string, _value: SpanAttributeValue | undefined): this; /** @inheritdoc */ setAttributes(_values: SpanAttributes): this; /** @inheritdoc */ setStatus(_status: SpanStatus): this; /** @inheritdoc */ updateName(_name: string): this; /** @inheritdoc */ isRecording(): boolean; /** @inheritdoc */ addEvent(_name: string, _attributesOrStartTime?: SpanAttributes | SpanTimeInput, _startTime?: SpanTimeInput): this; } //#