/// import { readFile, readdir } from 'node:fs'; import type { AppContext, DeviceContext } from '@sentry/types'; export declare const readFileAsync: typeof readFile.__promisify__; export declare const readDirAsync: typeof readdir.__promisify__; interface DeviceContextOptions { cpu?: boolean; memory?: boolean; } interface ContextOptions { app?: boolean; os?: boolean; device?: DeviceContextOptions | boolean; culture?: boolean; cloudResource?: boolean; } /** * Capture context about the environment and the device that the client is running on, to events. */ export declare const nodeContextIntegration: (options?: ContextOptions | undefined) => import("@sentry/types").Integration; /** * Get app context information from process */ export declare function getAppContext(): AppContext; /** * Gets device information from os */ export declare function getDeviceContext(deviceOpt: DeviceContextOptions | true): DeviceContext; export {}; //# sourceMappingURL=context.d.ts.map