import { ExtractedNodeRequestData, Primitive, WorkerLocation } from './misc'; import { Span, SpanContext } from './span'; /** * Interface holding Transaction-specific properties */ export interface TransactionContext extends SpanContext { /** * Human-readable identifier for the transaction */ name: string; /** * If true, sets the end timestamp of the transaction to the highest timestamp of child spans, trimming * the duration of the transaction. This is useful to discard extra time in the transaction that is not * accounted for in child spans, like what happens in the idle transaction Tracing integration, where we finish the * transaction after a given "idle time" and we don't want this "idle time" to be part of the transaction. */ trimEnd?: boolean; /** * If this transaction has a parent, the parent's sampling decision */ parentSampled?: boolean; /** * Metadata associated with the transaction, for internal SDK use. */ metadata?: TransactionMetadata; } /** * Data pulled from a `sentry-trace` header */ export declare type TraceparentData = Pick; /** * Transaction "Class", inherits Span only has `setName` */ export interface Transaction extends TransactionContext, Span { /** * @inheritDoc */ spanId: string; /** * @inheritDoc */ traceId: string; /** * @inheritDoc */ startTimestamp: number; /** * @inheritDoc */ tags: { [key: string]: Primitive; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ data: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Metadata about the transaction */ metadata: TransactionMetadata; /** * Set the name of the transaction */ setName(name: string): void; /** Returns the current transaction properties as a `TransactionContext` */ toContext(): TransactionContext; /** Updates the current transaction with a new `TransactionContext` */ updateWithContext(transactionContext: TransactionContext): this; } /** * Context data passed by the user when starting a transaction, to be used by the tracesSampler method. */ export interface CustomSamplingContext { [key: string]: any; } /** * Data passed to the `tracesSampler` function, which forms the basis for whatever decisions it might make. * * Adds default data to data provided by the user. See {@link Hub.startTransaction} */ export interface SamplingContext extends CustomSamplingContext { /** * Context data with which transaction being sampled was created */ transactionContext: TransactionContext; /** * Sampling decision from the parent transaction, if any. */ parentSampled?: boolean; /** * Object representing the URL of the current page or worker script. Passed by default when using the `BrowserTracing` * integration. */ location?: WorkerLocation; /** * Object representing the incoming request to a node server. Passed by default when using the TracingHandler. */ request?: ExtractedNodeRequestData; } export declare type Measurements = Record; export declare enum TransactionSamplingMethod { Explicit = "explicitly_set", Sampler = "client_sampler", Rate = "client_rate", Inheritance = "inheritance" } export interface TransactionMetadata { transactionSampling?: { rate?: number; method?: string; }; /** The two halves (sentry and third-party) of a transaction's tracestate header, used for dynamic sampling */ tracestate?: { sentry?: string; thirdparty?: string; }; /** For transactions tracing server-side request handling, the path of the request being tracked. */ requestPath?: string; } //#