export type AttachmentType = 'event.attachment' | 'event.minidump' | 'event.applecrashreport' | 'unreal.context' | 'unreal.logs' | 'event.view_hierarchy'; /** * An attachment to an event. This is used to upload arbitrary data to Sentry. * * Please take care to not add sensitive information in attachments. * * https://develop.sentry.dev/sdk/envelopes/#attachment */ export interface Attachment { /** * The attachment data. Can be a string or a binary data (byte array) */ data: string | Uint8Array; /** * The name of the uploaded file without a path component */ filename: string; /** * The content type of the attachment payload. Defaults to `application/octet-stream` if not specified. * * Any valid [media type](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) is allowed. */ contentType?: string; /** * The type of the attachment. Defaults to `event.attachment` if not specified. */ attachmentType?: AttachmentType; } //# sourceMappingURL=attachment.d.ts.map