import type { Attachment } from '../attachment'; import type { Integration } from '../integration'; import type { FeedbackCallbacks, FeedbackGeneralConfiguration, FeedbackTextConfiguration, FeedbackThemeConfiguration } from './config'; export type { FeedbackFormData } from './form'; import type { FeedbackEvent, SendFeedback, SendFeedbackParams, UserFeedback } from './sendFeedback'; export type { FeedbackEvent, UserFeedback, SendFeedback, SendFeedbackParams }; /** * The integration's internal `options` member where every value should be set */ export interface FeedbackInternalOptions extends FeedbackGeneralConfiguration, FeedbackThemeConfiguration, FeedbackTextConfiguration, FeedbackCallbacks { } type Hooks = unknown; type HTMLElement = unknown; type HType = unknown; type ShadowRoot = unknown; type VNode = unknown; type FeedbackDialog = { /** * The HTMLElement that is containing all the form content */ el: HTMLElement; /** * Insert the Dialog into the Shadow DOM. * * The Dialog starts in the `closed` state where no inner HTML is rendered. */ appendToDom: () => void; /** * Remove the dialog from the Shadow DOM */ removeFromDom: () => void; /** * Open/Show the dialog & form inside it */ open: () => void; /** * Close/Hide the dialog & form inside it */ close: () => void; }; interface FeedbackScreenshotInput { /** * The preact component */ input: (props: { onError: (error: Error) => void; }) => VNode; /** * The image/screenshot bytes */ value: () => Promise; } interface CreateDialogProps { options: FeedbackInternalOptions; screenshotIntegration: FeedbackScreenshotIntegration | undefined; sendFeedback: SendFeedback; shadow: ShadowRoot; } export interface FeedbackModalIntegration extends Integration { createDialog: (props: CreateDialogProps) => FeedbackDialog; } interface CreateInputProps { h: HType; hooks: Hooks; dialog: FeedbackDialog; options: FeedbackInternalOptions; } export interface FeedbackScreenshotIntegration extends Integration { createInput: (props: CreateInputProps) => FeedbackScreenshotInput; } //#