import type { StackFrame } from '@sentry/types'; type WatchdogReturn = { /** Resets the watchdog timer */ poll: () => void; /** Enables or disables the watchdog timer */ enabled: (state: boolean) => void; }; type CreateTimerImpl = () => { getTimeMs: () => number; reset: () => void; }; /** * A node.js watchdog timer * @param pollInterval The interval that we expect to get polled at * @param anrThreshold The threshold for when we consider ANR * @param callback The callback to call for ANR * @returns An object with `poll` and `enabled` functions {@link WatchdogReturn} */ export declare function watchdogTimer(createTimer: CreateTimerImpl, pollInterval: number, anrThreshold: number, callback: () => void): WatchdogReturn; interface Location { scriptId: string; lineNumber: number; columnNumber?: number; } interface CallFrame { functionName: string; location: Location; url: string; } /** * Converts Debugger.CallFrame to Sentry StackFrame */ export declare function callFrameToStackFrame(frame: CallFrame, url: string | undefined, getModuleFromFilename: (filename: string | undefined) => string | undefined): StackFrame; export {}; //#