/** * HTML encode. * * @param s Raw strings. * @param dq Double quotes. * @param sq Single quotes. * @returns Encoded strings. */ export declare function htmlEncode(s: string, dq?: boolean, sq?: boolean): string; /** * Trim dot slash from head of path. * * @param path Path string. * @returns Trimmed path. */ export declare function trimDotSlash(path: string): string; /** * Find path relative from base, if base matches. * * @param path Path to match against. * @param start Search start. * @param nocase Match case-insensitive. * @returns Returns path, or null. */ export declare function pathRelativeBase(path: string, start: string, nocase?: boolean): string | null; /** * Same as pathRelativeBase, but retuns true on a match, else false. * * @param path Path to match against. * @param start Search start. * @param nocase Match case-insensitive. * @returns Returns true on match, else false. */ export declare function pathRelativeBaseMatch(path: string, start: string, nocase?: boolean): boolean; /** * Trim a file extenion. * * @param path File path. * @param ext File extension. * @param nocase Match case-insensitive. * @returns Path without file extension. */ export declare function trimExtension(path: string, ext: string, nocase?: boolean): string; /** * Get launcher data for an ID. * * @param id Laucher ID. * @returns Launcher data. */ export declare function launcher(id: string): Promise;