import { ApiClientConfig, HostFeatures } from './types'; export declare const API_CLIENT_LOAD = "APICLIENT::LOAD"; export declare const API_CLIENT_UNLOAD = "APICLIENT::UNLOAD"; export declare const REDUCER_LOAD = "REDUCER::LOAD"; export declare const REDUCER_LOAD_COMPLETE = "REDUCER::LOAD_COMPLETE"; export interface ApiClientLoadAction { type: typeof API_CLIENT_LOAD; payload: ApiClientConfig; } export interface ApiClientUnloadAction { type: typeof API_CLIENT_UNLOAD; payload: ApiClientConfig; } export interface LoadReducerAction { type: typeof REDUCER_LOAD; payload: { feature: HostFeatures; }; } export interface LoadCompleteReducerAction { type: typeof REDUCER_LOAD_COMPLETE; payload: { feature: HostFeatures; }; } export declare function apiClientLoad(payload: ApiClientConfig): ApiClientLoadAction; export declare function apiClientUnload(payload: ApiClientConfig): ApiClientUnloadAction; /** * Creates an load reducer action * @internal */ export declare function hostLoadReducer(feature: HostFeatures): LoadReducerAction; /** * Creates an add reducer action * @internal */ export declare function hostLoadCompleteReducer(feature: HostFeatures): LoadCompleteReducerAction; /** * Predicate to determine if an action is an load reducer action * @internal */ export declare function isLoadReducerAction(action: any): action is LoadReducerAction; /** * Predicate to determine if an action is an load reducer complete action * @internal */ export declare function isLoadReducerCompleteAction(action: any): action is LoadCompleteReducerAction;